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Posts posted by philip_bowser

  1. <p>This may sound odd, but I love my Pentax K10D because it fits my hand so well.<br>

    I looked closely at Pentax when it was time to switch over to digital because I already had a small collection of Pentax lenses I liked. So when Pentax made a digital with decent specs that ALSO knew how to use all the old lenses, I started backing away from Canon & Nikon, worrying that doing so would wind up a big mistake. But I fell in love when I picked up the camera.<br>

    All the buttons fell right under my fingers. It took no time at all to remember which switch did what. I didn't have to squirm about trying to get my eye to line up with the viewfinder. <strong>It</strong> . <strong>Felt</strong> . <strong>Perfect</strong> . <strong>Immediately</strong> .<br>

    After that, all the o-rings that keep out the dust and the water, and the internal shake reduction, and the ability to process RAW files into JPEGs without having to boot up a computer were just gravy. Thanks for the interesting contest!</p>

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