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Image Comments posted by toner


    I would have tried to scoot over to the left a little to hide that man-made object (cylindrical thing, whatever it is - can't really tell) behind the tree...

    PCH Bridge


    This is Big Creek Bridge, not Bixby Bridge.


    Try a yellow or red filter & see what it does for the sky (If the original is in color, you can do this in Photoshop before converting to B&W). Looks like a typical foggy Big Sur day, but there does appear to be some detail in the clouds.

  1. Thanks, Justin.


    This was one of those fleeting magic moments where the sun just peeked over the high canyon walls and illuminated just the trees. A few minutes later, the whole canyon was ablaze with sunlight.


    Interesting that the ratings are all over the place - I guess some people look at it and just see some trees. It would be interesting to get some comments from those who are rating it 3/3 or 3/4 to see what they are thinking.

    Peyto Lake


    Hi, I'm new here, so I apologize if I'm out of line with this question. I mean no offense, I'm just trying to understand how the rating system works around here. Could somebody explain to me the high Originlity ratings this photo has received when there are thousands of virtually identical images on the web, taken from the same overlook?


    It's a nice image for sure, but what has the photographer added that would qualify it for a high Originality rating?

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