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Image Comments posted by lpt021585


    The chair and the enviromant that it is in looks to be very interesting but it is very difficult to see deatils. Try bouncing in more light with a reflector behind the chair to give it more dimensionality. Try to bring in some more light into the background as well. It seems as though the chair is the subject of this photograph, so not too much light on the background, just enough to bring out a little more detail.


    Absolutely beautiful. The DOF adds so much to the crispness of the figure. The blue color, the pose, the expression. If really captures the essence of that era. I love it.


    If you were pressed for space and couldn't get a better perspective, you might have tried a vertical camera position. The perspective and the horizontal framing is just unsettling. Big Ben is not the leaning Tower of Pisa. You can illustrate a building, but try to keep the structural integrity of a building.


    Obviously, the right side of the image is way over exposed. Even the left side of the image could afford to lose a stop or more. You are starting to get keystoning at the top of the image, where the vertical lines of the building start to skew inward. If using a 4x5 camera, set the tilts and swings so that this is corrected. If you are using a digital camer, this can be corrected in PS. Use perspective, or skew, to make the verticals straight. You might want to try another angle. Taking a photo from this angle, people often like to see symmetry. If you went to the right, through the columnade, and shot through the columns to get the archway, that might make for a better composition. With digital, practice 'seeing' the image. Take as many images as you can to try and train your eye to see compositions. The place is beautiful, now you just have to capture that beauty in your image.
  1. Good illustration. The merging of the two images works very well. Did you put them together yourself or use a program like photomatix? You might want to try a smaller aperature to get more of the bulding in focus. The sky is beautiful, but you are trying to emphasize the beauty of the building as well. A pretty good try.
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