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Image Comments posted by sam_grant1

  1. I wanted to add this one becuase of the Great response I got last week to the "other" version of this foto. This one is taken from the other side of this old castle and at first glance the 2 pictures look completely different with a completely different feel to each. I felt realy lucky to stumble upon this ruin right at the magic hour. I hope you will enjoy looking. Thanks!
  2. believe it or not I did not crop this photo at all. The is the entire scene as it is in the negative. But I will say its perfect frame composition was not intentional. One of the perks of using an holga. I was taking a picture of the junk you see spread around, and that the man with the umbrella came out perfectly framed was a complete surprise for me. Thanks for the comment Alberta!

    B&W Rose Closeup 2

    Theres just not enough range from white to black. I good B&W should have a complete spectrum range from white to black, this just doesnt go all the way to white as it should. But whatever, its still a cool photo though, maybe just more contrast next time...
  3. I would like a critique of this photo. Specifically, I am hoping to

    publish a book of Holga photographs and I'm concerned about

    the "post production" of the image. Is it tasteful? Is it overdone?

    Is it book worthy? Thank you for your help.

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