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Image Comments posted by villain1



    I'm new to doing a lot of stuff with my camera, and one of the things

    I've really enjoyed is seeing how others capture a moment and freeze

    it at just the right time. I took this picture at the riverwalk in

    San Antonio, and to me, something like this shows the culmination of

    freezing time as the water shows.

    Hard Rock Yummy


    I took this while sitting at a restaurant on the Riverwalk in San Antonio.

    The reason I chose street was because it was outside, and you can still

    see the arm of the person who was enjoying this drink in the lower right


    Hard Rock Yummy


    I wanted to upload this one with no alterations to it. I can already see that there's some stuff I could do to the image to make it look better, but before I go into that, I was wondering what others thought of this picture.


    I took this while sitting on the Riverwalk in San Antonio, just playing with the camera. Please let me know of any tips/tricks/etc that might make this stand out a little more.

  1. I've never done a wedding before, and I wasn't commissioned for this

    one. I just thought I would take some photographs for the family (my

    wife is the groom's cousin). Please let me know what you think.



    I just started with taking pictures of flowers, and wanted to get an

    opinion on this one. I took this shortly after a wedding in the rose

    gardens at Point Defiance Zoo in Tacoma, WA.


    Originally, I was going to upload the cropped version I have as my

    desktop, but I wanted to show the full composition. I like the small bud

    to the left, but wanted others' opinions on this, as well.


    I'm sorry I didn't join this site sooner. I rather enjoy this picture and can see not only some humor in it, but also some good composition. I think this is a good piece of art, and does a good job of telling the story behind the title.



    It's definitely a unique pose that doesn't look comfortable. However, the model pulls it off quite well and even looks to be enjoying the quirkyness of this pose.


    I'm not that big on the background, though. Maybe it's the way that the background looks like it could be much more if this image were in full color?


    I think the lighting worked really well for this, also. The only shadows that catch my eye are right under the legs, but they bring my attention to those legs which works quite well.


    If I was good at doing critiques, I'd have a score. Instead, I just wanted to leave my thoughts.

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