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Image Comments posted by avantimages


    Thank you very much!! It is awesome to get good responses to something new...I guess I will keep incorporating this into my style! :D



    This is another example from my recent engagement session, and

    experimentation with a style different from my usual. Any thoughts

    are greatly appreciated!


    I did shoot this pretty wide open (f/2.2 to be exact). My intent in this frame was to blur their faces for effect so I focused on the sand in front of them, but I also shot it at the same aperture with the focus point on their faces. Just doing a bit of experimenting. :D



    I've been playing around with background blurring, and more shallow

    dof to create or enhance the emotion in a photo. Also been playing

    with some different processing....thoughts? Does it work...does it

    not work?



    I just got my newest lens in this week, and my punkin and I were

    playing around last night. I am specifically looking for thoughts on

    the sharpness of his face, and the DOF. Thanks!



    I would like to know what others think of these photos. I love the

    vintage action I've recently bought, and think it really works for

    these photos. I also love the very real moment captured between them

    in the first frame, and I am interested to hear other opinions on

    what I've done here.



    I thought this was such a sweet moment during the session...one of my

    favorites of the day really. Any thoughts or comments are greatly




    Hmmm...no, not Jesse Cotton. I'm not familiar with who that is. In any case, thank you for the comment. I so loved the wall that she was standing against, and wanted to make sure that I got part of it in the frame with her...thought the color of the wood was just fantastic.




    I found some wonderful new locations for shooting this weekend, and

    had a blast with Jesse. Constructive criticism please on this

    image? Thoughts or comments are great!



    Well I certainly thought Devin was a remarkably lovely girl, but my

    younger brother thought she was stunning! His exact words were, "She

    looks like Laura Croft!" Anyhoo...celebrity resemblances aside, any

    thoughts on the portrait itself? All comments are appreciated :)



    I think I have an obsession with bridal photos. I just cannot get

    enough of them, especially the dresses!! This one was exceptionally

    beautiful I thought :) As always, thoughts, comments, and

    constructive critiques are most appreciated.



    This was my first attempt at this type of setting, as well as my

    first real attempt at photographing a baby. I'd love to know what

    I've done right, and where I can improve. Thanks!


    Hahaha!! That was pretty funny,Jennifer :) Thanks very much for the compliment on these. I do love the "trash the dress" trend. For me it just further extends the realm of artistry in wedding photography. Fortunately, the dresses never are really destroyed (at least in the sessions I have done)...nothing a little drying out and a cleaning won't take care of ;)



    The second half of the bridal session with Angela. I felt like these

    had a fashion edge to them (I really love it myself), and I wonder

    what others might think.


    Thanks very much Kari and David for taking the time to comment. I had thought myself that the way her foot was turned looked a bit awkward, but I love that you can see her red toenails so I left it. I am really drawn to aesthetic contradictions in phototgraphs...bare feet and bridal gowns are one of my favorites :D



    Brake ~ Alas, no landscape shot of this moment. I had thought of cropping it a little tighter to draw more focus to her, but I just loved all the water around her.


    Jim ~ I have looked at trashthedress.com...it is where th inspiration to try something like this came from. Though some of the shots on there a little far out even for me :) I think the key to getting a bride to try something like this is to show her similar images, but I also think it is only going to appeal to a potential client who is more creatively inclined.


    This is just too wonderful. It screams summertime and youthful joy...looking at it makes me feel good, but leaves me wanting an ice cream!



    Mike - This was actually the beginning of the end :) She, her dress, and I ended up soaked by the end of things...I imagine I have to take the blame for craziness, but she went along with it and it was a blast!


    Janis and Chris - Thanks very much for the compliments! I see what you mean about the portrait vs. landscape crop. I can't recall if I have a landscape shot of this one or not, but I'll have to go back through the original images and see if there is one in there.



    It was one of the most fun sessions I have done so far, and was

    thrilled that she wasn't afraid of getting down in it so to speak...I

    think the results are outstanding. Anyone else have an opinion?


    I like overcast too....but it was REALLY overcast this particular day. Not grey skies...those clouds were closer to black. It made it tough for me to accurately judge the direction of light, especially with having to stay under the awnings. We worked it out, but it definitely wasn't my ideal lighting situation. Thanks for having a look though, and taking the time to comment...I really appreciate it.
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