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Image Comments posted by alinavasilescu

  1. Andi, in my veeeery humble opinion, doubting Igor's lighting is like doubting gravity.


    Igor, congratulating you AGAIN would be redundant. Yet again, it is mandatory...



    Artist's Widow


    Hello Alex,


    I have just noticed your have a very weird rating, 6 for Aesthetics and 3 for Originality. Well, I would just like to let the voter know that if THIS shot is not original, I am so very curious about what he/she feels is original.


    The human mind is absolutely fascinating...


    Other than this, my compliments, this shot indeed tells the story of a thousand words.



    Pretty hard to do male nudes. I have seen countless attemps so far and all they could rise in me was a feeling of "nope, not good".


    I think I like this one. It kind of gets to me.


    Can you introduce me to your model? :D

    Red Volcano


    My congratulations, sir! It has been a while since I was actually impressed by a landscape. Let them speak for you, they seem to perspire charisma and magnetism.

    All my best,




    I am wondering anout those drops. I tried water, then baby oil, then baby-oil and water over it, and it is just not what I wanted.

    Did you use glycerine?



  2. I was shooting with a single light, and somehow, the hair over half of her face attracted me. I was actually going for those harsh shades on her eyes. Not dark enough as far as I am concerned :))


    Thanks you both for you comments, I appreciate it.



    Absolutely amazing, Janosch, sculptural body, perfect lighting. I admit I am not the number one fan of white background, but this one here is simply perfect for the shot.


    Congratulations, both to you and to the model.

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