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Image Comments posted by blazer_tx

  1. this trees represent ( in my op.) the ppl of Argentina after that Tsunami. They were strpped of everything they had, yet the HELD ON as this two trees did. i see in the background lots of trees that are downed, but im so captured by the strangeness of this 2 ...it is so funny. Great B&W worl... all of it. U have any versions in Color?
  2. someone said a picture is worth 1000 words. I say thats true in this picture. THe B&W makes it more dramatic, but still not as dramatic as the situation in Colombia. It hurts to see the future of a country growing up in such conditions. U should think of photojournalism. Bravo!

    Web Design

    i like the Title but that where i stop. Where is the desing u portrayed in ur title? i see no distinct pattern and the picture is out of focus( big time).1/1, Nothing personal, just lack of professionalism ON THIS PARTICULAR picture.


    CONGRATS! perfectly executed, lighting, texture, even pose( as other might find it offensive. This form of art is rare and rarely appreciated. Im glad to see good comments on something that is so scarce. This nude in particular deserves a 7/7 just because it doesnt bother my eyes as other nudes do.BRAVO, Good Job, I wanna see some more !

    The Other Side

    one would think that the back side will be ugly but the overall aspect of it is not. I have some shots from the front but i didnt think of taking one from the front.7 for originality, adn 6 for A. Good job and very innovative shot.


    Awsome picture, pose and... and all. Mia cazut fatza cand am vazut ca e IN TIMISOARA, de acolo de unde sunt si eu. SUPER SUPER , bucuros ca avem femei frumoase foc , si fotografi care sa le propage prin lume. Merci . REPREZINA TM in continuare..! BRAVOOOO!!!


    hard to think of the photo compossition, when i see how gorgeous she is. U captured the best in a woman: her femininity, in all her splendor.Great B&W and natural lighting. COOL. Keep it up, im watching u.
  3. great pose, lighting, and background. I do have a Q: is she standing on something, or she's using her legs in that position ? It looks like she is on her toes, but also gives the impression of her standing on something.Nice pilot leather hat :).


    the soft orange and teh fact that is focused up close and for a long distane( up to teh stairs). what made u take this shot, as it is not of some artistic value ? was it the lighting and colors? Good job!! La mai multe !



    i do like the unusual pose she is in. She also is beautiful and the white background fits this pic. BUT, the only flaw I see is the line between HER right hip and the calf muscle. it is to ...superficial. U used PS to much on that particular area. Good job, see if u can fix that, to make it more


    Roof top.

    straight and rounded edges comming together to form a nice theme. I like this even though is unussual( maybe thats y). Crystal clear, nice colors, and... HOw did u get up there 2 get that photo ? mai pune poze, ca sunt curios ...:)Bafta.Bravo!


    Shipwrecks... it is "SEAtime"... ships go down, i dont. MAn , if i would work for Stowa company, i will make this my logo. Bottom of the wtch seems a little out of focus, but i get the Greater picture :). Good Job
  4. is she one of the players in the Bike course ? whats great about it that u dont have the mind-blowing sharpness that so many people look after in a portrait. Ordinary photo used to capture extraordynary moments :). Great !


    i love this type of Flower, in Romanian they are called "Lacrimioare" ( tr. Tears). The focus seems to me is at the base of the photo (* maybe you wanted it so*). the color is vivid and also natural. I love it. Keep up the good job !


    how did u achieve that contrast ? it has a crazzzyyy effect on the eye of the viewer. I first thought that the model was made out of plastic, ...u captured her as she stayed there for her ethernity. Also it seems to me that the focus is on the chair rather than her/flowers.Nice job.


    it looks like a spark from the sun... or should i say EVEN NICER> clear picture, awesome angles...and the Perfect "model" :0


    It sure looks great! all u need now is a horror/thriller acuthor 2 contact u for puting this pic. on his book cover. I love it!
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