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the holk

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Image Comments posted by the holk

  1. great image! i like the balance of the physical strength of her body and the sensuality of the whole arrangement and light. she is a wonderful model and you captured her beauty very well. it is a miracle to me how some philistines could rate it with a 3 (under average???). but shit like that happens sometimes here on PN. keep posting! cheers.

    Santa Fe 1.1


    i like the geometry of this image very much. great shot! you?ve arranged the angels in this picture in a perfect composition. by the way, juan carlos - i wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year with a lot of opportunities for taking more of such great photos as you did this year. all the best from me!

    best regards.

    MOMA NY 6.0

    i like this picture very much. especially the color play between the bluetones and the yellow of the windows in the background. and you are very right that "baukunst ist eine erstarrte musik". this is a wonderful saying and your pictures are always breathing that motto. cheers!

    Josefine Fbw3

    this is a perfect portrait again. it has the wow-effect, that many of your pictures have. you perfecltly captured the pure beauty of the model but also added a special and very eye catching element by the focusing on her long eyelashes. an outstanding image. great job. 7/7

    Glen Canyon Bridge

    thats a strong image juan carlos. at first sight it looks like the bridge would be cut right in the middle. great arrangement and perspective! also i like the high contrast ist this picture and also in many of your other pictures. it is not easy to handle this and integrate the dark shadows into the hole composition. very well done! the photo makes me curious to see that place by my own. cheers.
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