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Posts posted by john_holmes9

  1. <p>It sounds to me like human error, the Ellen show asks "did you get permission to air the photos?" the local rep says "yes we did!" and they both go away with the wrong idea, one thinking he now had permission and the other knowing that they had permission to run it on their own local show. I doubt that anybody was purposely out to damage or steal from the photographer, and by the photographers own admission they weren't the only ones to make mistakes here, as he made many of his own. I would suggest that he take it as a life lesson and move on, there is no point in pursuing it further.</p>
  2. <p>All the best for the New Year everyone.



    I worked on a collection of shots in and around an old building on the weekend at sunrise. This one was taken showing Gibraltar in the background. I used two strobes to light the building, one on the side and one on the patio.

    <p> Keep shooting and see you next week.<br>



  3. <p>Great photos, I particularly like Nathan's, Karen's and Lupo's. <br>


    <p> This photo was a mistake, taken in bright sunlight before I had corrected my settings, resulting in massive over exposure. The end result however, with a little PS manipulation is interesting and appeals to me.</p>



  4. <p>Hi,<br>

    I have printed 23 x 33 (A1) and 23 x 16 (A2) straight off a 40D with great results. Most of the shots are indoor sport at high ISO. In one case the print was done at 72dpi. Up close it looks fuzzy, but if you move back a few passes to take in the whole picture it is crystal clear. </p>

    <p>I agree with those that say "do a print and see for yourself!" This way you will know what to expect.</p>

    <p>Best regards,<br>


  5. <p>Hi,<br>

    Sorry I seem to have finger trouble and my question did not post. I will try again.<br>

    I am selling a Sigma 120-300mm f2.8 APO IF EX lens. One potential buyer has asked if it is the DG version which he claims is an upgrade, and although it does not say DG on the lens when I researched and bought it in 2007 the DG version was the only one available. To my understanding Sigma make two types of lenses, the DG suitable for Full and crop sensor cameras, and the DC suitable for crop sensors only. My questions after hours of unsuccessful research are - When was the DG version of this lens released? Do they sell a DG and non DG version? Is my understanding of the Sigma lenses correct?<br>

    Cheers, John</p>

  6. <p>Hi,</p>

    <p>I started with a 400d, and with the sole intention of photographing gymnastics (my daughter) I new I needed a fast, versatile lens. I started with a 50-150mm Sigma 2.8 and the results with this combination are fantastic. I have upgraded to the 40d for the higher fps, however I find that I seldom shoot more than 1 frame at a time. I have found with both the 40d and the rebel I try and keep my iso below 1600 or the resultant noise can be a problem. Having experienced both cameras under the conditions you mention I recommend going for the better lens to start with, and the body as soon as possible thereafter. Also use a monopod, it works wonders.</p>



  7. <p>I would ask them why they want to change this clause. I may not be sinister, but simply because they don't want you selling or using images of their kids (16 & under) to third parties without their permission, a reasonable concern for any parent nowadays. For this type of work I see nothing wrong with what they are asking.<br>

    Best regards,</p>


  8. Hi Paul,


    I do a lot of gymnastics shoots and I have found the lens I use the most is a Sigma 50-150 f2.8. I usually have to

    increase ISO to min 800, set the focus point to center, use the servo focus setting, and obviously shoot in RAW thus

    ignoring WB. I use a Canon 400D and a 40D. Unfortunately I cannot use a flash. In some cases I have to use

    additional software to reduce graininess caused by high ISO.



    Sample: http://www.gibrockgymnastics.com/index_files/mijas08/mijas088.jpg



    I have tried using primes on different cameras but unfortunately the speed of the event prohibits changing from one

    camera to another, by the time you change cameras you have missed half the action. I have recently acquired the

    Sigma 24-70 f2.8, and this is also proving to work very well.



    Best regards,




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