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Image Comments posted by galarneau


    I like the perspective... really puts the goat in context, a local shot but a feeling of space. Odd with the Cactus :-) Nice clouds behind the subject too. The color is nice... the high contrast tone in the shadows make me wonder a bit though... are there more in the series that have this contrast...
  1. I like the patterns on the roof and the composition with the entrance below.... has a nice feeling of suspense... can't comment on the color or tone... they seem to be part of a heavy treatment that needs to be seen in context... cheers!
  2. casual... yes, the soften and light tone reproduction add to a dreamy like atmosphere.... the angle and viewers position, for me, add a bit of an odd, too close feeling since I don't know these two :-)
  3. A barrier

    worn from the sun and rain

    and a path leading beyond

    just visible

    is it really there?

    leading down

    through the forest

    and on


    where the beacons still shine

    up from the mist

    calling back from a forgotten youth

    of laugher in the surf

    the cry of gulls

    now just memories


    beyond a barrier

    barely there

    but soon at hand

    ever more





    Nice image; I respectfully disagree with the pano idea. I need the sky to balance the doc and add the volume for the lonely isolated feel that takes this beyond graphic to an iconic expression of isolation... OK you could toy with more gradient at the top :-)
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