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Image Comments posted by michael4447


    The black and white was a very nice touch on this one. It looks like he missed his train! I like the motion blur of the train and the confused body language of the guy left behind. Great capture!


    This one almost looks like a bird from the thumbnail on the forum page. Really cool shot. The frame seems a bit out of focus in some areas--maybe camera shake. Otherwise a really interesting shot!


    This is very good. The background is subtle enough to make the silhouettes "pop". Plus it looks like a teacher and student in dance on ice. I like this shot!

    dragonfly on a leaf

    The DOF is great on this shot. I think if you had more detail/crop on the dragonfly it would help, but the leaves are a nice part of the composition. Actually, if you had cropped the dragonfly more it may create a different feeling. Nice shot!


    I agree with the above comment--too much saturation on the sky. Gives it that "close encounters" look rather than the sun. I love the lone tree being the only thing between the foreground and horizon though. Great image.


    I love high contrast and subdued colors in classical-looking portraits. I do agree with the above comment about the right hand being hidden, but I did not catch that immediately (amateur photographer eyes I think). I like her expression!
  1. It looks like she's looking at something off frame. Maybe if she were positioned more toward the bottom right third it would give her more open sea to look at (or maybe there is something out there?)


    I agree with adding a bit more foreground. I do like the expression on the little girl's face--maybe getting on her level and framing the two girls would highlight their expressions a bit more. She seems like she's saying "...what, ANOTHER picture??" I get that sometimes :)


    The brush framing the picture works well. I am just curious as to what the subject is suppose to be? The DOF seems to suggest the tree needles are important somehow, but the building in the background seems to "want" to be in focus. Of course, I could be missing your whole artistic expression (and if so I appologize!).


    Good detail in the skin and colors showing the "working tan". You could have used a reflector to the right of frame to light the harsh shadows on his face and bring out a bit more detail (unless your aim *was* to show the harsh shadows maybe as a way to show fatigue). In either case, nice portrait.

    crossing paths

    I would not have thought about getting this angle! I like the "crossing paths" of the image and I think the black and white really makes it nice. This one actually gives me some inspiration to take pictures from the balcony of a hotel if the weather is not good that day! Thanks!
  2. I really like the details and sharp wrinkles in the face of the guy in front. The expression is really great (almost goes without saying)! I think you exposed it very well with the sun in the background and fill-flashed the details in the faces. Nice!


    The first thing that pops out with this one is the repetition. I think it looks really nice the way the columns repeat until they reach the castle, and then the columns "circle" the castle. Very nice.

    Rusty Birdbath

    This is a really interesting abstract. I don't think I would have guessed it was a birdbath! I like the oily reflection on the water's surface and the leaf just sitting on top. Is that the gabled roof of a house in the reflection? I like this picture.


    It's a shame the day could not have given you an nice blue sky, but then again the fence may not look quite as "giagantic". I really like the angle because I though I was looking straight up at first glance, and then I realized it's a chainlink fence on a diagonal. I like it.

    Giving Way

    I agree with the transition of new house going up in back. The color and sharpness on the old house is really good. I like the dark gray look to the wood and the soft light from the right of frame. It looks like a late evening shot to me.


    Awesome DOF!!! I love the way the veins on the first leaf and the edges on the back leaf are in focus. Nice capture! The background looks cool too--you can almost see something going on and wonder what it is these leaves were used to veil.


    I really like the sepia tone over the photo, and the "burned in" effect looks nice on the edges. You may want to try to randomly vary the thickness of the burned edges to make it look a little more "naturally old"--just a suggestion to try of course. BTW, The conical barrels in the background look really cool.
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