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Image Comments posted by daniel_flounders

  1. It's rare I comment on photos but I must say this was worth the effort.


    I'm not sure what is so appealing about this photo but it's magic.... perfect!


    The composition is perfect. It really stands out and makes you feel part of the photo. Like you're involved somehow!


    For me, I instantly thought it was dusk, not dawn.... but it makes no difference, it's great.

    My Ex-Friend




    This is the effect I was trying to achieve but wasn't sure how!

    The colour of the photo, the red lips, and the graininess all add to a great photo.


    Well done.


    May I ask how you achieved this effect?






    Well done this is cool.


    Exposures just right for this shot. Dark enough to make the torchman stand out and bright enough for the rest of the photo to be seen clearly.


    I think the choice of using machinery in this photo is an odd one to me, but then what the hell do I know ;)


    You're obviously a creative photographer who likes experimenting, so now you mastered the torchman, go add him to a more thoughtful scene.


    Other than my personal opinion, well done! Very good.



    Good capture Jason,


    I like the way the you have captured the seed being flung all over by the sparrow, I think that adds a better focus point than just the sparrow.


    I think I would have preferred to see the sparrows tail more in focus but that's just a personal preference.


    Well Done.



    It certainly makes those guys look insignificant.


    I aren't sure whether there is slightly too much sky!


    I can't decide. I think you have made a very average scene more interesting my shooting it like this.


    Good choice.



    I like the simpleness of this photo.


    I personally think the whole of the leaf should have been in focus for this shot though, more so because you can't get closer.


    Good effort though.

  2. Here's my worthless 2 cents, so worthless I'm quoting someone else :)



    michael ginex, May 08, 2007; 03:15 P.M.


    So, everybody loves a great painting no matter what the medium. Then, if every critiquer that called this a "GREAT SHOT" would re-cant and call it a "GREAT PAINTING", there would be no argument. It's the arrogance of trying to justify calling these compositions "photographs" that stirs up vehement reactions from those of us who respect the "ART OF PHOTOGRAPHY", which this is not.



    I think that says it exactly.


    Now regarding the photo errr picture, it's a nice picture but the water does not work because of the lack of shadows on the ripples. Shadows would break the reflection up and it would look more natural...


    I'm no expert that's just my opinion. I guess pictures like this are designed to captured our imagination, are they not!!

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