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Image Comments posted by waynerickard

  1. Hi I shot the photo in the hills just behind Palmerston North which is where I live, for those who have no idea where that is,its in the lower part of the North Island of New Zealand.

    Hope that helps cheers Wayne.

  2. Several have asked about how and what it was that I used to shoot the photo, I use a Nikon d2x and on this day I believe that I had a 50mm lens on though I am not 100% sure any more, I had started the day off shooting the windmills and was driving back, I saw the farmer moving them and thought that I had missed the chance to get a photo,When I came up to the farmer I said I would have liked to photograph them, he said wait here, as I have to open the gate and the sheep will come back towards u, so he walked down,opened the gate, the sheep came to where I took the photo, and the dog ran up the side and sat in the middle, all I did was press the button, and the rest as they say was history, I did have an lee ND filter on to drop the sky back a bit and other than that all I did was some hue sat and a little bit of levels with a light vignette


    Very nice like it a lot the japanese photographer shinso miedia ? (somehow I dont think this is how his name is spelt)took a lot of photos like this, well done nice stuff.

    Precious Time

    well I do and I don't like it the line at the front of the image bugs me just keeps pulling my eye away from the centre of the image and the shadow of the clouds in the sea bugs me as well however I love the composition of the image, I also would have darkened the edges with a vennet just to stop the eye from moving of the edge of the page, other than that nice work and good luck with the rest of your photos.
  3. Nice work I like it heaps I feel however that the light on the water at the back could have been brought down a tad just to stop the eye from falling of the edge of the paper, however it is a nice photo love it.
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