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Posts posted by larry_huppert

  1. <p>It most definitely is <strong>not</strong> common USA hardware store 1/4-20. You can usually manage to insert a common 1/4-20 into photo gear about 3 revolutions before it starts to bind. In some situations that's all you need, but won't work as well as a Whitworth thread 1/4-20. Is Whitworth thread even commonly available in the UK? Thought it was a spec from the 1800's.</p>
  2. The Polaroid website has a "letter to customers" posted.




    It says in part:




    "Going forward, Polaroid intends to continue to manufacture, market

    and distribute our core instant imaging products, and to continue to

    provide the high quality service and support for these products that

    our customers expect."




    Anything could happen, but their statement makes me believe they

    would like to keep instant film in production.

  3. Matt,




    In Silverfast (v5.5 on my system) the focus depth can be set

    independent from reflective vs. transparency. Look at the icons

    along the left side of the preview window. The icon to set focus is

    the 6th tool down from the top (between the scan pilot icon and the

    IT8 calibrate icon). When you click this icon, the number inside the

    icon flips between "0" and ""2.5". When using the holders, set it at

    2.5, and if scanning on the bed, use 0. This tool doesn't have a

    tool tip mini help description at the bottom of the window like the

    other tools have. Good luck.

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