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Posts posted by sally_metzger

  1. Hello -


    I am actually just about to start the one year program at Hallmark Institute of Photography, and cannot begin to tell you the amount of support and recommendation I have received for this school. I am so incredibly excited to start. You just better be ready for lots of work, because from my understanding, it's pretty intense! Well, good luck. Check out their website. Really cool.


    Sally M.

  2. hi everyone. Great news . . . my sister Ashley just got accepted to attend HIP this Fall as well!! I'm so very excited for her, and for me, as we are great friends and i'm really happy to have her there. She's a really great girl, and i know she's going to do so well in this program.


    Well, i'm not sure what else to say. This coming monday, August 6th, my husband and I will start our 6 day drive out to Mass. from Salem, Oregon! Road trip!


    Good luck to everyone else - I can't beliee how quickly time is going by, and can't wait to meet everyone and get started!


    Hopefully i'll be back soon.


    Thanks all!


    Sally Metzger

  3. hello everyone - i haven't been on in quite a while. My husband and I have been really busy, we just moved in with some family for our last month in Oregon to save rent money, and we've had several family weddings going on. i guess it is that time of year.


    Samantha - don't know if we've 'properly' met, but i'm sally. It's great that you have been accepted as well. It looks like the two of us started the whole process close to the same time. How fun!


    I just turned 23, so i guess we're pretty close in age. My husband is coming with me, he's 25, and really easy to get along with. Maybe you and your husband and me and mine could get together sometime? That is, if time allows. Everybody keeps talking about how time consuming this program is. I'm getting a little nervous, but also very excited.


    Anyhow, thanks to everyone who has answered so many of our questions. I honestly can't wait to meet those of you on this forum that will be attending this Fall. Can you believe it's only 2 months away!!!???


    Good luck with all the financial stuff. I'm working on all mine right now too. I little nerve-wracking, thinking about the amount, and responsibility of it all, but i know it's sooo worth every penny to have the career that fullfills you as a person. I'm very excited and honored to be a part of this program.


    O.k. i think i've babbled on enough for once. Thanks again everybody.


    Sally Metzger

  4. hi, this is Sally again. I'm wondering if any of you might help me . . . I know some of you have mentioned how great it is to have a dSLR along with the required equipment for HIP . . . If I were to buy one of these, what brand would you recommend? I realize that the necessity of a dSLR may depend on the equipment HIP requires, but i still want to look around. What kinds of things should I be looking for? I'm not very educated (yet!) in the world of camera's, and lenses, how many megapixels you should have, etc. Anyhow, with all that said, any suggestions would be much appreciated. Thanks a bundle, oh! and Good luck samantha! As far as I understand, Hallmark will let you know if you've been accepted into the program from 7-14 days after they receive all of your application materials. Be checking your mail!!!


  5. Hey, this is Sally, it's been a little while since the last time I wrote in here. I'm really excited to say that I have been accapted to HIP, and am now in the process of working through enrollment, paperwork, loans, etc. It's a bit of a process, but i'm very pleased to see that the staff at HIP are doing everything possible to make things go smoothly. This forum has been such a help to me already, thank you to all the grads, and future grads who are sharing with the rest of us.


    I can't wait to get started this September.!!! Any advice, of course, is more than welcome. Thanks! Sally M.

  6. Hi Wayne - thanks for responding. Ya, it is a bit nerve racking waiting to hear back for Hallmark . . . i really hope i get in. But, we'll see. If not, maybe next year? haha.


    So, in your opinion, is this dSLR camera fairly important to have along with whatever camera the faculty choose to have the students purchase? They told me that the last 2 years it's been a Mamiya, but that it might be different this year. I guess i'll see. Anyhow, what do you think from your experience? I'm probably more the type to be on the extravagent side, rather than the 'just to get by' side. I honestly don't know a whole lot about camera's yet, so is the one you refered to a dSLR? Sorry for my ignorance. I'm trying to learn all this stuff as soon as I can, just to try and be as prepared as possible. And, what exactly is a dSLR? What features does it have that the required equipment students purchase does not? Any feedback is so appreciated. Thanks again for responding.


    Sally M.

  7. Hi, my name is Sally. I am currently waiting to hear back from Hallmark to see if I'll get accepted into this Fall's program . . . I really hope i get in. I know that it's kinda late in the year, but i;m definately excited about this opportunity.


    I am nervous, however, cause though it has been very clear through all my research that Hallmark is a remarkable school, with an amazing education, the cost is quite high. I'm afraid of expenses that aren't 'projected' for students, or planned on. I'm not really sure how much to plan for.


    My husband Mike will be coming with me, and working full time, so i wont have to take out a loan for living expenses, which is really nice.


    One question: I know some of you have made mention of this before, but just to make sure i'm clear, the Mamiya that we purchase as students is enough to get us by according to the school? And does anyone have more info about the dSLR? Like, where can i find one, typical prices, etc.? Just in case somebody out there wants to help. Thanks.


    Sally M.

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