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Posts posted by rnemtpski

  1. <p>Pete, thanks for the advice. I am actually using umbrellas, as you can see that in her eyes. I like the 10/2, i will try that. Thanks again to everyone for being so helpfull. It in amazing how you all have helped me. I like the portrait peopel on this site. You all seem very involved in helping people with their technique and eager to give good constructive comments on how to improve. Thanks to you all. I only aspire to be as good as you guys one day. Linda</p>
  2. <p>Ok, so I have this new studio lighting, it is low end continous lighting. I have been practicing with it and it seems that the light reflection in the eyes is always in the same place and you can tell that their is 2 lamps. So i am going to try to post an example of what im talking about. I am just wondering is their a fast hard rule of where the light should fall in the eyes. I am using the triangle position for the lights. Any help would be appriciated. I am no accustome to shooting with any light except outside. So please help.....</p><div>00SVBP-110477584.thumb.jpg.17f2b8d2d7f9c9039959ad1d132a0e10.jpg</div>
  3. <p>I have to agree with everyone. If you have a natural density filter, i would use it. And you should use your tripod. I have been working on this technique for several months and it can be very time consuming. You will need to take several shots to get the right speed then like stated above just work with the iso. I would highly recommend getting the ND filter. Good luck. Linda</p>
  4. As i sit and read through all of the above comments. I have to laugh. I am one of the ones that will look at a great picture and try my best to get the same shot. "emulate", "inspiration", "copy". Call it what you would like. I enjoy viewing great pictures and then challanging myself to produce the same type of image. Now keep in mind. I am not a pro, did not attend photography school, I really have no idea what im doing when it comes to pictures. Trial and error get me by. So for those of you that don't mind seeing similar work to yours. I thank you for being my inspiration.
  5. Barnhardt, You are better then me. I have a post out now for critique and it has been viewed 96 times, and i only have 7 critiques. What is up with that. If i look at a picture. I will usually tell them what i like or dislike about it. So i guess i know how you feel. I am still wondering how some people post a picture and within 2 days it has been viewed like15000 times and has about that many critiques. What is their secrete. That is what i want to know. When i look at their work, mine is just as good and sometimes better. So anyway, just my 2 cents worth.... Thanks Linda
  6. Tawanda, I just wanted to add to all the above comments. I have been a member for over 2 years, and I am also self taught. It has taken years to put my name out their, along with taking better pictures over the last several years, but to get on bloggs, read alot and by all means take the advice you are given. You can really learn alot hear, and most of the people are really good about giving good advice and willing to help you. I would love to stay in touch and we could help eachother. Like i said, im also self taught and it is good to bounce things off someone else and see what they think. Well, good luck, keep on taking picures and by all means put them on your site. Linda G
  7. WOW, these are some great ideas. Mike, thanks for the details. I will get out and check on the color. I am lucky that im not going on a weekend. It will be mid week and im thinking that their won't be lot of people. I prefer to shoot early am or evening. So that is better for me anyway. Well, thanks alot for all the great places to choos from. Keep posted week after next for the great pictures i will take..... LOL.... Thanks Linda
  8. Thank you both. I had a hard time getting a cabin bacause i guess it is quite the hot spot when the leaves change. I will check into the trail of the dragon... Sounds neat... Thanks. Linda
  9. I am leaving next week for a few days in the Smokies. Has any one been this time of year and could offer some good

    advice to great placed to get some great pictures. I will be in a cabin for about 4 days. If you have any good info or

    just some neat places to see and photograph, please fill me in..... Thanks LInda

  10. Well, I have just spent the last 20 minutes of my life (which I will not get back) reading all of the comments about this

    topic. First I would like to say. I am a mother of 2. However, I am not a stay at home mother. I also am not a

    professional and nor have I put myself out their as a professional photographer. I personally would never pay for this

    type of program and I would talk anyone out of it that asked me about it. With all that said, I am really offended at the

    comments made here. This new program is intended for everyone and not just women. Many of the comments were

    directed at stay at home mothers who just want some good pictures of their children. I will have it known that I have

    been taking pictures for over 10 yearsand i learned from reading and trial and error and yes, I would love to be as

    good as some of you are, but i understand how hard it is and the dedication that you must put forth to be successfull

    in photography (any type). Hanna Cowpe, your comments about the female photographer was very offensive. Pete

    Mills, I think you are the only one that had a real point. Photography comes in may styles and planes. If you sell this

    program and 100 people waste their money but only one turns out to have a passion or an eye for photography, then

    that is doing something. I think you guys are a little to hard on this subject. Now, keep in mind that I am not a

    professional photographer, but some people really take good pictures and should be encuoraged to continue and not

    put down for the type of camara that they have or how they learned about taking pictures. Some of us learn from you

    and how you take them. So maby you should make a program and be productive and not distructive with your

    comments. Linda G. Registered Nurse

  11. I just wanted to thank every one for their help with where to go and what to do in Colorado Springs. I just wanted every one who responded to know that I Went to Pikes Peak, Garden of the Gods, Red Stone Park, The Balloon Festivle, the Braudmore Hotel, and last but not least 7 Falls. I was really impressed with the city. I have not posted any pictures yet because i took over 2000 of them, I have to go through them and put up the best. Please be looking for them soon. Thanks again for all of your suggestions. Linda
  12. Thank you all for your advice. I do have plans to visit the Air Force Academy, I have a friend that worked their for several years that can hook me up. I also have conections to someone at the Broadmore in Colorado Springs. Has anyone ever been their to take pictures. Once again. Thank you all for your suggestions. Linda
  13. I am heading to Oklahoma next week with a stop in Oklahoma City. Has anyone gone to the mamorial and if so,

    when do you think is the best time for pictures. Also, a week later im going to Colorado city, i have never been, and

    would love to take some great shots. Any information of great places to go would be well appriciated. Linda


  14. Thank you soooo much, I do have photoshop along with sony raw, and some other programs. I do like photoshop and will use it first to see how well it works. Tell me, when you shrink the picture, do you loose any quality. Again, that you to all that have helped me along the way.. I hope that when the new pictures are uploaded you can see the progress that i have made over a year or so in learning and using some of the techniques from this site. Thanks again and be looking for the new pictures. Linda
  15. Barnhardt, Moore,

    Well, I see what you mean. So far, I have tried to critique moore, and i have way better pictures. This prifile was made a year ago with an old camara and before i read alot about technique and skills. I have now done alot of work and have taken wow soooo many picutres and have really put more thought into what im taking. I use to take like 400 pictures only to get like 30 that were good. Now, I take 100 and about 75% are good. To me that is just alot better then before. The only problem that im having is how to shrink them down to get them to download to this site. Do you have any advice on how to do that. Linda

  16. Laura, Thanks for the iformation. I apprieciate all that has been added to this comment. I do believe that participation is the key. I also love the advice given. I do want to thank you all for your responses. I know his is not the last you will see of me. My plan is to learn from everyone that i can about this trade. Photography is my passion. I am a Registered nurse, and like in nursing it is watch one, do one, teach one. That has been then nursing moto for some time. Like in photography, look at as many photo's as you can, duplicate the technique and then teach about it. In other words. Cretique it... So look out PN, here i come... Linda
  17. I would like to thank everyone who gave me advice to this question. I am glad to hear that we all start some where. I have learned alot from your suggestions. I have taken alot of other pictures with photo editing, however, I can't seem to get them to upload. I am not smart enought yet to know how to shrink down my picture without loosing quality. Anyway.... Keep a look out for me and some new pictures. Thanks again... Linda
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