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Posts posted by ty_thornton

  1. <p>@Patrick: Your statement comes from a person who retouches photos for a living. They must be bad photos too if you spend 4 hours retouching them. Your work is amazing, but thats all Photoshop isn't it!<br>

    <br />"I tend to think that when you need to cover a meal with a lot of sauce, that mean you need to cover something bad" - If you like lots of sauce on something, its doesn’t mean the food tastes bad. I myself like sauce on my food but it is because I do not like dry food or food without it (Depending on the food). - This statement is irrelevant.<br>

    @Matt: I said its a fashion shoot and that I want to apply some nice filters/effects. Logic would tell you that this means I want to explore the opportunities Photoshop can present and therefore lead you down a path of thought that would say to you ''Hmm, these images must be for himself and not an audience!" Just because I said its a fashion shoot, that’s the style of photos I am taking not what the photographic content is regarding.<br>

    <br />Does it look like I am trying to spam? I have answered a question. All my other questions are genuine too. I'm sorry that you have received a dodgy link but it works perfectly fine on my work PC AND my laptop at home.<br>

    <br />It's quite funny how if someone asks this same question, worded slightly different how the question is simply answered. ie - "How can I achieve a warm look?" "How can I achieve a slightly more colourful look?"<br>

    <br />Stop being so awkward and uptight and answer the question. I have more luck on yahoo answers than here and this IS SUPPOSED TO BE A Photography forum!</p>

  2. <p>........all shots are perfectly exposed, the lighting is great, the scenes are great its a fashion shoot!<br>

    Some of the scenes are on the docks in New York, the others are in a garden with tropical plants (Think SOS Rihanna), alot of green for that one. Also, other shoots have a very urban street look. All models have Olive (Indian), Dark (Columbian) & Light (Spanish) skin tones and are wearing casual/eye catching apparel.<br>

    Now! I want to know some really cool effects to process them with. Can anyone give any suggestions?<br>

    I know its hard to imagine, but I don't have the images with me as I'm traveling with work at the moment (Boring!)</p>

    <p>Look forward to hearing your creative suggestions :-) :-)</p>

  3. <p>"....But at the point you print the data, or flatten it, the destruction (rounding errors) affect the numbers that you altered for those pixels. Doing this work in high bit (what Photoshop calls 16-bit) means that the rounding errors are so tiny, the results do not affect the quality of the output.."<br>

    That is what threw me lol. Most of my work has been digital so i have never had to worry about print, until now.</p>

    <p>I am writing for a magazine and they have asked me to take photos for them. Obviously they will need to be printed. I like working on one layer, it teaches me a lesson if I make a mistake.</p>

    <p>Someone told me that I can do as much editing as I want without worrying about the quality. But when it comes to printing, you MUST have it in 300dpi to ensure the print does not look of a lesser quality.</p>

    <p>Is that correct? (Sorry for the questions, but if I don't ask I won't know :s Photoshop books do not contain everthing).</p>

  4. <p>So if I take the destructive route (applying directly to the image), I'm not doing any harm to my image? I can stil print with out any worries (I've not tried printing yet).<br>

    So if I want to take teh non-destructive route I use two layers, use the cloning technique on the top one? then flatten them both?</p>

    <p>But how i'm working already is fine for use with clients? They won't run into any problems with their images?</p>

  5. <p>I have read alot regarding colour pixels being destroyed during editing. I use the clone stamp tool alot when retouching. In fact its all I use when retouching skin, is there anything else I have to do after using the clone stamp tool?<br>

    1.) I literally, process my image in raw, then use the clone stamp tool, then possibly tweak the curves and thats it. Can take approx 4 hours to do the retouching.<br>

    2.) All images are 300dpi, although I don't think anyone I have worked with has printed any images. Anything else I need to think about for printing purposes?<br>

    When saving the image as a TIFF or JPEG it doesn't seem like there is anything destroyed even zooming in 300% +. When I read about colour pixels being destroyed I feared the worst!<br>

    Other than what I have mentioned above, is there anything else I should be doing?<br>

    Currently how I edit suffices for me.</p>


  6. <p>OK! So I did it! Thanks guys. I retouched my first image. It took about 2 hours to complete using nothing but the clone stamp and healing brush!</p>

    <p>At first I thought I had been doing it incorrectly because I zoomed in at 100-200% and what I was cloning looked like brush stroke (:S) But then my brother reassuring pointed out that it was a full body shot and not a head/close up so I will get that zooming in that much.<br>

    But! It looks good! I will upload it hear for anyone who wants to see? :D</p>

  7. <p>I have just got the upgrade and have run into a problem. When using the layer mask and blur (Surface/Gaussian blur) method to smooth skin the blur appears to be very sensitive. Even at low levels, when painting on the layer mask it blurs too much.<br>

    I've adjusted the brush hardness, size type of brush etc with no success. Any other ideas?<br>

    Is there a way to adjust the sensitivity?</p>

  8. <p>Oh, also, you can sometimes see where it has been blurred under and around the eyes, and sometimes it looks like it has been blatantly touched using the clone and blur tools. Thats a problem I cant seem to get round.</p>
  9. <p>I have no examples, I am asking in general.<br>

    Ok, so multiple layers are needed to retouch properly? I want to get it down to a tee so its something I can say I've done.<br>

    So, with retouching, what I usually do its remove spots, moles etc using the cloning and healing tools. Then I apply a surface blur after duplicating a new layer, then layer mask and paint on the blur. Sometimes I do the same with a Gaussian blur too over the top of the surface blur.<br>

    Problem is, sometimes I have problems around and under the eyes. Using the clone stamp and airbrush etc doesn’t remove wrinkles or dark spots underneath the eyes....<br>


    <p> </p>


  10. <p>Still trying to master the art of retouching. :-) One main problem I have found is getting around the eyelashes. Any tips?<br>

    Also, if anyone has any other tips on retouching it would be most appreciated :-)</p>

  11. <p>I am trying to use the surface blur technique as part of the retouching process, but one problem I run into is getting it to look natural. Any tips?<br>

    Also, I have a problem getting it to look good around the eyes (under the lids and to the side also.) If you have any tips in this arena I would be most appreciative. :-)<br>

    Anothing thing I am struggling with is using the clone stamp properly. When trying to eliminate wrinkles you can blantanly see it has been used, even if I use a soft brush. Any tips?</p>

  12. <p>What is the best way to maintain your camera sensor and keep it in good condition.<br>

    I know the sensor cleaning system occurs every switch off and intermittently when you switch on, but this does not prevent dust spots from sticking.<br>

    I understand Canon will clean the sensor thoroughly for you at a price to eliminate this spots and scratches, but is there another way to do this?<br>

    I now you can obtain sensor swabs, but I am unsure as to whether this will be worth purchasing, I have always sent my camera off to Canon but it does take a few weeks to get it back..... <br>



  13. <p>Hey there, I've seen a number of photos in my wife’s magazines that appear to have been edited (Surface blur etc). But then over the top of the entire picture appears to be a glossy haze. Any body have any ideas on how to achieve this?<br>


    Best example I could find after looking is this - <a href="http://images.p1points.com/images/content/Ciara-0003.jpg">http://images.p1points.com/images/content/Ciara-0003.jpg</a> and this <a href="http://www.smashinglists.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/beyonce-babies-pregnant-jay-z.jpg">http://www.smashinglists.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/beyonce-babies-pregnant-jay-z.jpg</a>.<br>


    Although its not the best examples I could find its the nearest. I know it has been airbrushed etc, but there is another glossy haze over the top I am trying to get (Barely visible in these photos) and it is not a slight Gaussian blur either that I am talking about.</p>

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