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Posts posted by jay_kim6

  1. THANK YOU so much for your help 70-200mm. CANON 5D.


    If I open up the lens sky seems washed out I like to get deep blue sky too.


    It is very difficult to see subject against sunlight without any filter ( ND, polarize, gradient---)


    If I have to put ND8 filter I don't think I can see anything.


    Is there any special filter or anything can help this problem at high f stop?


    If you see #1 pic it is at least f16 or higher I think.

  2. I am getting 8 cross sunray all the time ( which I don't like )


    but other photographers getting very smooth background light effect with sun.


    I attached ref file. # 1, 2 ( I like to have )

    # 3, 4 ( I don't like to have )


    I tested f32, iso100, 1/100 sec, 2400ws strobe, 10' away. and I am getting 8 cross sunray with flare too.


    I don't want block the sun with some object to make sunlight smooth.


    I really appreciate your help<div>00QANU-57041584.JPG.5aea6b6af1251a376e5a886c6617fc1f.JPG</div>

  3. Thank you so much all


    My wife took pic at beach facing sun with AB's 800 & Quantum & silver reflector but it wasn't enough power


    so I just wondering that AB's 1600 can overpower sunlight?


    If not can I use Vagabond II with speedotron 4803cx?


    2 years ago I rented Honda 3000w generator from homdopt & they cook my speedotron flash head ( big smoke & everyone got scared )

    so I don't want that happen again


    thank you again.

  4. Thank you so much for your help


    Yes I am talking about Quantum T3DR I just updated to Digital unit from T2

    I can sinc high speed with 580EX(goes over 1/250 of a second shutter speed)

    But I can't do it with Quantum T3DR at QTTL mode.

    I didn't try with manual mode or auto mode but I just worried that I am gona get half black( over 1/25o, First & second cutun problem )

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