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Posts posted by robert_dare

  1. <p>I've been there a few times recently. <br>

    The scaffolding Simon mentioned has been there at least since November 2009. I was just there over Christmas and it was still there.<br>

    Other than that, to my knowledge, none of the major sites in the Old City have scaffolding. There is some scaffolding associated with an archaeological dig next to the female prayer section of the Western Wall, but it won't impact your visit or photography.<br>

    I do recall some scaffolding inside the Church of the Holy Sepulchre; I think it was near the Coptic Chapel.</p>

  2. <p>Hello All,<br>

    I'm having the following cold weather issue with my Canon 40D:<br>

    In cold weather temperatures (say about -5 C or 23 F) my camera's exposure metering system seems to malfunction after about 10 minutes, sometimes even less. The exposure meter shows an underexposure no matter what I have it set at. Also, I can't see the red focus point indicators.<br>

    If I put the camera in the bag and let it warm up, normal operating condition is restored.<br>

    I've done the obvious thing of putting it the bag or holding it under my coat, but this does not work -- the camera seems to be that sensitive!<br>

    According to Canon's tech specs, the camera's minimum operating temp is 0 C or 32 F, but I've googled the issue and many people seem to be able to shoot in even colder weather without this issue.<br>

    Has anyone seen this happen before?<br>

    Surprisingly, I don't seem to have any issues with the battery or condensation, which are the major cold weather photography issues.<br>



  3. <p>Hello All,<br>

    I'm preparing for a trip to South Africa and am interested in taking out an insurance policy on my camera equipment. Does anyone have any experience on this? Can someone recommend a provider?<br>



  4. <p>Hello all,<br>

    I'm preparing for a week spent in Kruger National Park and want to purchase an appropriate lens for my Canon 40D.<br>

    I'm at a toss up between the Canon 70-200 f/2.8L IS USM and the Canon 100-400 f/4.5-5.6L IS USM.<br>

    Of course, for a Safari, the extra range of the 100-400 would seem to have an advantage, but I've heard conflicing reports on its image quality. The 70-200 seems to offer higher image quality, and is also a faster lens (thereby making it a more versatile addition to my kit).<br>

    So, keeping in mind that the crop factor of of the 40D makes the 70-200 a 112-320, would I be well-served with the 70-200 and higher image quality? Or do I really need the extra coverage of the 100-400 (which would be 160-640 on my camera)?<br>



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