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Image Comments posted by gregman

    The Edge

    nice but it lacks something to be a winner, I think the crop is annoying me in some way. given we don't see anything of her face, I would like to see even more space around her and probably her being placed in a strong point of the composition (2/3 on X and 2/3 on Y more or less). but it stays a nice picture ;)


    The light is way to contrasted IMO, foreground is underexposed and background contains harsh (if not overexposed) light. My look is lost in the picture without being stop by anything... Sorry to say but I think you could have done much better.


    I would say this picture is under-exposed. Maybe a decentralized subject and a more oblique composition could give a lot of dynamic in this image. The time passing shown in the clouds is nice, I'm sure this can give a nice result if you give it a second try. My 2 cent and humble opinion.
  1. Hi Judi,

    I'm sorry to say but I find this picture very flat, I don't know if it's the effect your were looking for but that washed-out look doesn't work here in my opinion. I find the reflect in the glasses and the bag(?) between their two heads very distracting. keep shooting!


    The only thing that doesn't work in this shot IMO, is the blue flower which - graphically speaking - is a mess (form and color that doesn't match with the rest), it distracts a bit from the purity I would expect in such shot. Otherwise it's a great shot, the butterfly is in a perfect focus, and bokeh is nice too.
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