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Posts posted by gaby

  1. I'm for raw! The quality is high and the colours are way better than jpg. The raw is the negative and you can start from that point. There's not much to change or to edit when you start from jpg. This is my opinion. I might be wrong.
  2. 1. Me and John Galyon are patrons of this site, so we deserve some respect. 2. Bruce Cahn is a very rude person and sincerely, I don't think that this site needs members who can't be nice with the others. 3. I just posted a question and the right thing to do would be to give it some thought. 4. My question, if it would be solved, would increase the level of this site. The fact is simple, people need words, not numbers. 5. Bruce Cahn is what? Someone who pretends to be good, someone who did all the things in life, but as his own cv shows, nothing good, because everything closed down. 6. Instead of ignore this user, maybe log in to add a critique or a rate would do better.
  3. 1. I'm not a 3 producer. 2. I raised this problem because I saw many people complaining. 3. I do take lessons from a pro. 4. It says "request critique" and critique means words, not marks. 5. this photo.net, not expert.net . 6. Don't supraestimate yourself. 7. I didn't submit family pics or things like that. 8. If you are rude, maybe this is not the place for you.
  4. I have the 18-200 VR and the 70-300 VR. The fact is that 18-200 VR is good for almost all the situations. The 70-300 VR is for wild life, aerial shows or things like that. You can't walk around with it. I think that the good choice would be 18-200 VR.
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