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evan zamir

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Image Comments posted by evan zamir

  1. It's ironic that today a photographer actually has to convince people that a good picture isn't a computer fake. The most compelling argument against this being "real" is the "no undulating shadows" argument. I took Razvan's picture and turned up the brightness in Photoshop. You can clearly see evidence of sand dunes in the shadow. I believe that Razvan just darkened the shadow enough so this became "invisible". I wish some of the negative posters here could've done the same simple experiment to see for themselves!

  2. I wouldn't back down from what I said above. I think it would be more fun for everyone, if the POW were made more into a contest that people actively participated in. I don't think implementing that idea would take much more effort than the current system. In fact, it would be nice if there could be nominees that photo.net users could vote for their favorite. I agree photo.net is a great asset for photographers, but it has room for improvement. Being free doesn't necessarily make something good or immune to criticism. Anyway, as to the suggestion that I have my own POW on my site, I do have that, but just for my own pictures. If you want to check it out, and or criticize my pictures, feel free. http://www.cellandtissue.com/prev_pows.html.
  3. I think the format for POW should be changed. It's not really fair to the photographer who took the picture, that he has no say as to being chosen, unless he makes the picture publicly unavailable. For all we know, this picture isn't one of his best, and maybe he would've chosen a different one altogether. What should be done is that all you brainiacs out there that think your pictures are so wonderful should be able to submit a picture a week to a pool that the POW can be selected from. This would make it more interesting, and maybe we'd get better POWs. Also, it seems recently that the pictures are getting more and more jpeg compression, which might be having some negative consequences. If you look at this week's POW, it's only 15K. That's not really large enough in my opinion. It's like we're criticizing a 3x5 print.
  4. It's interesting that you framed it so the girl is looking away from the center of the frame towards the outside. I think most people would have not "broken" this rule, but it works in your photo. Gives it more of a dramatic sense. Nice.
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