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Image Comments posted by johopgood

  1. Firstly I have to say that I think this absolutely beautiful! What a serene image, so pleasant to my eye.


    My only critique is that the line of trees is immediately in the middle of the frame, I think it would benefit with the rule of thirds. Even so though, I really do admire this.


    Thank you for showing us.


    I recently took a shot of a cala lily and I was quite pleased with the result - now I see this one and my breath is taken away! Gorgeous portrait! I love your imagination behind this too.

    1:1 Coin #1


    I think the dof works fine on this perspective, the penny would have to be a lot flatter for anything else. This is such a cool shot and it gave me inspiration, which is always a compliment.


    I've got out all our old coins and when the children have finished looking at them I shall take some shots myself. The oldest coin I found goes back to Queen Victoria, dated 1873

    Recline 2

    I love the angle of her pose and your perspective is fantastic. I don't know if it needs a little more contrast or the 'curves' altered, just to give it more impact. But I think it's great, one I'd like to try myself.

    Abstract Flower #1


    It's beautiful. It looks like a tulip to me.


    I admire the colours and detail, the way you've filled the frame with the petals. Often seen with a rose but rarely a tulip.



    Daisies are my number 1 favourite flower. Simple, unassuming beauty. They don't ask to be looked at, they are simply there.


    This is a wonderful capture and I think not only for it's clarity but because the stalk can still be seen. It's not important to the shot necessarily but adds it's own quality to the head.


    What a lovely portrait, even with the sad look. I'm a big fan of high key shots and haven't managed to create a good one as a portrait yet. I admire that her skin tones do not merge into the background.
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