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s. fayard

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Image Comments posted by s. fayard

    New Zealand fern

    I have always been intrigued by the fiddle heads of ferns and actually just ferns in general. I think that your choice of composition and your low angle certainly does justice to these amazing and sometimes alien looking plants.

    ruby red

    I love the way that the rose emerges from the darkness. I also really like the color tone of the red. It is rich and vibrant but does not loose it's details, as reds sometimes seem to do.


    I really like the shallow DOF in this image. The interesting shade of green in the background really helps the mantis stand out, while helping to accentuate it's alien appearance. This photo brings to my mind thoughts of an alien being, emerging from some kind of thick radioactive fog.

    Someone's Watching

    I do like the black and white, although I think I might like a color version with this crop as well. In my opinion the crop makes this image stand out over the original version "Through The Fence".
  1. This is a beautiful natural abstract image. There are so many wonderful colors and pattern captured within this photo. I like how the diagonal flow of the image is broken up by the large rust colored mass. Which causes the trails made by the runoff to flow around it coming to a flame like point in the bottom right corner of the photo.


    Thanks for your comment on this image. I fell in love with the saxophone while in elementary school band. Now I am falling in love with it again as a photographer. I'm sorry this strange confusing circumstance with the two different photos still exists. I thought about deleting it but I didn't want to loose Hugh's comment. Thank you again for your input. Steve.
  2. After viewing both images, I feel that this one is definitely an improvement. In the previous version there was a very distinct harsh line around certain areas presumably where the black background was painted in. In this version you have given the transition areas a softer more natural shadow look. I also think that the wires look much better in this version. You have left just a small amount of highlight on them letting the viewer know that they are there without having them stand out so much that they distract attention from the rest of the image. This version certainly looks more natural and refined.

    Hopscotch play

    Magnificent thought provoking image. The game of hop scotch continuing on into the distance seeming to follow the path out of sight, brings to my mind thoughts of a child taking their childhood experiences with them into the future. Or maybe I'm just reading too much into it, Steve.


    Thank you for taking the time to critique this photo along with the others. With the three photos shot and uploaded on the same day, I was trying for a different look that I guess wasn't as attractive as I thought (Maybe my monitor needs adjusted). I was trying to achieve a dreamy illusion, with slightly subdued color and mood. In all of these images I actually bumped down the exposure in the raw adjustment screen (so you're right it is under exposed). Then I used shadow & highlight to bring out more texture in the petals (which darkened the image even further). Then a touch of unsharp mask. I guess I will have to continue to develop this new technique. To hopefully balance what looks good to me, and what looks good to others. Thank you for your input, time and efforts, Steve.


    Thank you for taking the time to critique and make adjustments to this photo. I tried a similar amount of contrast while working the photo before posting and wasn't really sure about the results. Although I like the way it makes the main subject flower look, it for me hurts the background. I guess I could isolate the main flower into it's own layer doing the adjustment only on it. I will have to spend a little more time with this image. Thank you for opening my eyes to other possibilities for this image, Steve.


    This is a powerful and moving image. The sad tormented expression on the face of the great beast (even though it's probably just trying to scratch an itch) really helps to convey the message of this piece.
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