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Wayne Sadler

PhotoNet Pro
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Everything posted by Wayne Sadler

  1. Wayne Sadler

    Water Lily-7.jpg

    "Fading to black" makes the strength of this composition more evident. Brilliant work, Dave.
  2. Probably few of us knew about the jubilee year of San Rainerius, the patron saint of Pisa, as we stood in the rain outside the Duomo in the Field of Miracles Pisa, Italy. Rainerius, was so venerated that in 1689 his body was transferred to the altar of the Duomo.
  3. © Wayne E Sadler

  4. Uniquely creative. Brilliant work, George.
  5. Wayne Sadler


    Ochre This earthen pigment of iron, clay and sand reigns supreme in Venice. One can almost believe the beautiful old palazzi along the grand canal would not exist if not for the texture of the brownish-yellow, orange and red hues supporting them.
  6. Wayne Sadler


    © Wayne E Sadler

  7. Campo dei Miracoli (field of miracles) – Pisa, Italy “It is impossible for the inhabitants of different worlds to walk or sit or stand on the same floor, because they have differing conceptions of what is horizontal and what is vertical...”- M.C. Escher The “many worlds” interpretation of quantum mechanics posits the probability of multiple copies of people and things living in multiple worlds - but shyly admits those alternative worlds exist only when we see/observe them.
  8. © Wayne E Sadler

  9. Wayne Sadler


    Thanks, Pierre. Venice fascinates.
  10. Wayne Sadler


    Thanks, Pierre. Many years ago. But I think a place like Venice never really leaves you or you never really leave it.
    It is difficult to comment on an image when you don't know how much to apportion praise on the artist or computer. This image however is exceptional. The artist and computer seem to have merged.
  11. Wayne Sadler


    There are probably several excellent images in this one.
  12. Wayne Sadler

    White Peacock.jpg

    Perfected crop and light management. Brilliant work, Dave.
  13. Wayne Sadler


    Indra in a moment at Rialto (Venice, Italy) “Each moment is all being, each moment is the entire world. Reflect now whether any being or any world is left out of the present moment.” ― Dōgen Indra’s net is a visual metaphor symbolizing the interconnectedness of all phenomena in the universe - the idea that each and every thing that exists in the world is dependent for both its existence and identity upon every other thing that exists.
  14. Wayne Sadler


    © Wayne E Sadler

  15. Wayne Sadler

    Lisbon 4.JPG

    A well thought-out composition.
  16. Ora di pranzo a Rialto - lunch time at Rialto “A lunch at the right place is savored forever.” - WES (The site of the historic vegetable market of Venice, Campo Erberia, and the near-by Pescaria, the ancient fish market - what better place for lunch and to create memories.)
  17. © Wayne E Sadler

  18. Wayne Sadler


    Schia (Say-Sha) Venice inside and out
  19. Wayne Sadler


    © Wayne E Sadler

  20. Wayne Sadler

    Vermilion Lakes

    It's comforting to know others struggle with this saturation thing.
  21. Wayne Sadler


    Thanks, Pierre. Rajneesh was very controversial but also often worthy of being quoted.
  22. Wayne Sadler

    Sea Cliff.jpg

    Thanks, Pierre.
  23. Wayne Sadler

    the trawl net.jpg

    Thanks, Pierre. The prominence of the net tempted me try to give the scene a 3 dimensional feel.
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