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Image Comments posted by timburns


    Two beautiful shots! On the borders - not a western style, but eastern - much in line with silk screen painted panels etc. Westerners don't see enough art from the orient. Beautiful work on all counts.
  1. LOL I love your sense of humor - all three in this series just rock; while I could quibble about composition of the elements to the frame in these I don't care - so much to see! And not one boring nude anywhere!



    Composition: think about how your subject is organized in the frame. Does she fit the frame well? Is there anything that doesn't belong in the shot, like the grey object on frame right. Would tighter on the face work better? Looser, but with cleaning out the background too?


    Would seeing her elbow better complete the bottom, also the rest of her legs? I think I'd op for the tighter on the face shot, looking at the lens perhaps.


    Exposure is a little hot on her face, if on-camera flash try placing some tissue over it to soften the light, and also try a darker exposure- generally a good idea to take several different exposures to give some choice.


    Good start; one additional thing, ignore the rattings, without feedback there just grades from the unknown.

  2. Beautiful work, not the least because of such an active scene. Are you using stitcher unlimited and photomatix pro for these? I've a d80 that I use with the 10.5mm lens - that certainly helps keep the number of shots down.


    Brilliant work there.


    As I've been recently educating myself on this genre [tho haven't tried any yet] I'm impressed by the work here! Beautifully done.

    The Suicide


    Heavy texture and allegory - both things I love, for their own sake but also because when used well, as here, they invite deeper viewing of the image.


    After reading thru the above comments I'd like to say: how one signs an image for internet display rarely has anything to do with how one signs the print for the gallery or buyer - here protection is everything.


    The use of titles, when done with thought by the artist, provides the viewer with a key [or clue] to how the artist was thinking about the work at that time, interpreting the work. The addition of the crow/raven certainly put death into my mind instantly, for me the title clarifies the sort of death.


    Brilliant work; the deeper we dig into ourselves the more significant the basis for our work - bravo for that.

  3. Do you mean an etching press when you say "...a fine printing machine"?


    I've used perhaps a similar techinque on b&w laser prints and Oil of Wintergreen as the transfer medium - tho the oil is applied to the recipient material - in my case usually linoleum then engraved for printing. Hope that makes sense LOL.


    At anyrate, one beautiful image and realization.



    Well, I logged in just to comment on this image, as I love it. I take it this comes under the genre of 'light painting'? Move a light source in from of a lens with long exposure?


    Very cool.

    Still Life 08

    Beautiful exposure, colours and placement of objects - I feel however that the crop is to tight. The circle of the compas, the circle made by the button -pin? - on frame right and the circle of the screw at the top should all be just barely included - to me that'd be perfect. Excellent concept on this one.
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