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Posts posted by heatherlassell

  1. I totally agree with Mariah. If you went this long without the money and then come to find that the child has died....and you need to ask what to do? Come on. Give them everything that you have since this is ALL THAT THEY HAVE LEFT of their child. Sorry, I am a mother and that question seems kinda heartless.
  2. Shade and fill flash are your friends! That said, I thought your photo of the bride and groom dancing (in the big white tent) was very pretty! :) If you have a friend who does photography, it isn't a bad idea to have a 'second shooter' with you. Good luck with your 7 weddings. Hope you'll post here and show us what the tutorials, that have been shared with you here, have helped you do!
  3. "Do you think I might be turning more people away because of that?"


    Well as soon as it said I had to enter my name and e-mail I said, 'oh well' and clicked the little x. I keep my e-mail as sacred as I can. Only way to spare myself from junk e-mail I don't want. I guess if I wanted you to have my e-mail, it would because I e-mailed you first with a question. It's just my personal preference not to enter my info to see a gallery.

  4. >>>I don't feel comfortable giving brides work that doesn't >>>look "professional". And IMHO, a lot of snap shots in a book >>>isn't a "wedding album".


    I think it is very insulting to photojournalists work not professional and just a bunch of snapshots. Have you ever looked at the Wedding Photojournalism Association website? http://www.wpja.com/ You tell me that those are not 'professional' pictures? They are gorgeous.


    There is nothing wrong with a photographer stating that they are not going to stage and do plenty of 'staged' pictures. A wedding is an event....it just happens. It isn't a play. I respect both forms of photography. I am in the process of planning my wedding and I have found a photographer that does a perfect blend of the 2 styles. I have come across many that stage all there pictures, and many that won't do any formals at all. To each his own!

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