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Posts posted by jonstock

  1. I still have some thinking to do.



    I went with Induro instead of Gitzo because I was not sure about the flexi-multi adjustable head thing.


    I am still not sure. It seems good for Macros but I will need to see how stable it is with a heavier head on it.


    If I get the Sigma 150mm macro and a heavy weight head I will see how far it can be extended horizontally. Hopefully

    I will not find out the hard way.


    I have only had the Induro a week, but I like the build quality.


    Thank you for the offer to buy your GV2. I will need to think about it some more before I can buy it.


    Thanks to everyone who has responded back. Please keep adding any comments.


    Have a good week.



  2. I have just got a Induro cx-213 (the "CARBONFLEX" model with "a quick switch center column that's easily

    positionable from vertical to horizontal and just about anywhere in-between." It seems OK.


    I don't have a heavy weight set up. I shoot an Olympus E-3. My largest current lens is a 50-200mm. The Sigma

    150mm macro is tempting me. The Olympus 90-250mm/300mm f2.8 are over $5000 so I probably will not get

    either. The Sigma 50-500mm at $1000 is more in line with what I am willing to spend. I don't use long telephoto a



    I am looking for a good quality ball-head. I have included a shortlist of the heads i have been looking at. I also

    included a bunch of links someone may find useful.


    Unfortunately the camera stores near me don't carry these heads so I can't compare them personally.


    I have a few questions I hope someone can answer:



    Acratech GV2 with Gimbal feature.


    How good the sweet-spot is on a GV2? The early Acratech heads tended to sag after tightening. Does the GV2 sag?







    Markins m-10 or M20


    People say that the Markins panning base does not lock. Is this true? I have a tripod with a center column that can

    tilt and extend horizontally. I need the panning to lock. The markins Sweet-spot demo video is cool to watch.





    Really Right Stuff 40 or 55.


    How smooth do you find the movement on these heads? Build quality is supposed to be good. Sweet spot is

    sometimes criticized for slipping and or sticking. Is this true?




    http://mgphotographyworkshops.blogspot.com/... ...-stuff-bh-55-ball-head.html







    Arca-Swiss Z-1


    Is currently has questions being raised about it's construction. See this link



    The stem between the ball and the clamp is made of two parts glued together. This worries me. It should be fixed

    soon. I could wait I guess. Is the knob on the quick release captive or not?(can it unscrew and fall off?)


    http://www.the-digital-picture.com/... ...ss-Monoball-Z1-Ballhead-Review.aspx



    Kirk BH-1 or -3


    If you have/had these did you like them?





    Some more links on ball-heads:






    Thank you for any comments you can provide.

  3. Hi


    I want to upgrade my tripod.


    I have read the Thom Hogan article recommending buying the best first. But I

    read it too late as this will be my third full sized tripod.


    The Gitzo, Benro/ Induro and Giottos the all offer tripods with a tilting

    center column that "converts into a lateral arm".


    How stable is this? Is this a gimmick?


    As none of them have the option of replacing the center column with a different

    non-tilting or leveling column, will I be shopping for a fourth tripod soon?


    I shoot a variety of things, including macro, but macro is not my primary

    subject. I just liked the idea of a tilting center column. Does it add that

    much extra flexibility?


    The Benro and Induro seem to be the same item, only the Induro has a North

    American distributor (and a 30% price increase).


    The Benro/Induro tripod heads have mixed comments online, but the most recent

    Benro n6 tripods seem to get good reviews. Unfortunately the 297 and 298 Benro

    tripods are not n6.


    The camera shops locally don't have any of these tripods in stock. I was

    hoping for some suggestions from someone who has used one.


    There is not a big price difference. This maybe because a different post

    criticized the Gitzo 2220 as lower quality compared to other Gitzo tripods. Is

    this true? Are all the explorer series more of a bargain line?

















  4. Hi


    I got the Monaco OPTIXxr working using version 2.03 of the software (most

    recent version).


    The software does not offer a before and after picture after creating a

    profile, it just applies the profile. I wanted to see the difference between

    the earlier Adobe gamma profile and the two new profiles I created (one for

    lower light and one for bright light - with the monitor set at different

    brightness settings).


    The profile curves show what looks like a noticeable change in the blue

    settings. Green and Red are very close to the line. (When I adjusted my white

    point I had to make noticeable changes, mostly to Red and Green, not Blue, the

    profile then changed blue. I thought I made a mistake with my white point so I

    deleted the first profile and reset my monitors color settings and did it

    again, with the same result).


    I opened a picture with lots of blue sky in Photoshop, then I opened my monitor

    properties and changed profiles in the color management tab. I cannot see any

    difference in the 3 profiles.


    Having hardware based feedback during the white point adjustment was good, but

    I was hoping to see some change from the profile as well.


    I downloaded and used the LUT Tester - Utility SW to make sure my video card

    can adjust to match a profile. It can.






    The newest profile was selected as the default profile by the program. To

    change things I selected a different profile made it the default and then OK?ed

    my way out the display properties box. Am I making a mistake? I looked in

    Photoshop?s help files for anything I have missed but I could not find anything

    to indicate why I don?t see a change.





  5. Hi thanks for your help.


    I downloaded X-Rite Eye-One match but it does not recognize the DTP-94.


    I got 2 different DTP-94s from the eBay seller; one with EZ-Color, and one with Monaco Optix 2.0.


    I have tried both DTP-94s and installed all three software packages. The eye-one match software does not need activation, if there is a way to make it recognize the DTP-94 the problem would be over.


    EZ-Color and Monaco Optix 2.0 are both running inside the 14 day demo mode.


    I wish companies that prevent the resale of their products would indicate this somewhere in their product information. Mentioning it 25 paragraphs deep in the license agreement and claiming that that is enough is not very ethical.




    Monaco Optix 2.0 web site and support information:





    Q: I purchased MonacoOPTIX today. When I opened the package I noticed that the circular product seal had been broken. I tried to register it and received this email in response:


    A Problem was Encountered with Your Registration Information



    A: A check of Monaco's software registration database indicates that this copy of MonacoOPTIX has already been registered to another user. It appears that you received an open box. Return the product to your retailer and ask that they provide you with an unopened copy.

  6. I got a Monaco Optix XR Pro that was on EBay, but the software will not



    I went online to enter the serial number from the cd case (on what was supposed

    to be an unused product). I filled out my name and address and asked for an



    It refused.


    The product has already been activated and if I want to activate it I must

    enter the name and address absolutely exactly the same as before, or enter the

    original activation number.


    I emailed the person I bought it from on EBay to ask for his help. He said

    that he bought it from someone who said it was unused, and he didn't try to use

    it, so he can't help me.


    Has anyone else bought a pre-owned copy of EZ Color, and been able to

    successfully install it?


    The person I bought it from has offered a refund (he seems like a good guy with

    100% positive ratings) but I waited a month to get it and now I would really

    like to be able to use it.


    Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.



  7. Hi

    The Monaco has a five seat licence. I was looking at one on Ebay. Has anyone

    bought a used Monaco and how did the licence work? Were you able to reuse a

    seat used by a previous owner? I have 2 desktops, and a laptop that I want to

    calibrate. I presume I will need 3 active seats. If I upgrade or replace the

    oldest computer will I need a 4th seat available to do it? How restrictive is

    the seat licence and dongle on a Monaco? Thank you in advance for your time.

  8. I have a printer scanner combo. It is old. It still plugs into the printer port. It was an expensive combo years ago and is still OK for normal stuff. I don't print photos at home. I was looking at a more complete system but they are expensive. The Xrite Eye-One Photo Color Calibration System is $1399 at B&H http://www.bhphotovideo.com/bnh/controller/home?O=Search&A=details&Q=&sku=465163&is=REG&addedTroughType=search

    The ColorVision PrintFIX PRO is $680 Canadian (not stocked at B&H)


    Too bad the original spyder is not well reviewed, Amazon has the original spider for $44 http://www.amazon.com/COLORVISION-GEU102-Spyder-Windows-Macintosh/dp/B00007IT9B/ref=sr_1_6/002-9994271-4520037?ie=UTF8&s=software&qid=1174810561&sr=1-6

    and the original screen/printer set for $150 http://www.amazon.com/ColorVision-Spyder-Master-Suite-Spectro/dp/B00009YWJM/ref=sr_1_7/002-9994271-4520037?ie=UTF8&s=software&qid=1174810561&sr=1-7


    Currently I just want to sent an accurate picture to the local printer and get back what I expect.



  9. Hi I want to buy calibration hardware but I don't know which one to get. I

    have read the previous posts and looked at several web pages mentioned in

    them. Thanks for the info so far. I have some questions about the systems.


    Gretag Macbeth Eye-One Display2

    Is listed as discontinued on Amazon websites (US and Canadian sites) the

    manufacturers site did not list it as discontinued.


    Is this discontinued?


    Monaco Optix XR

    This is listed as discontinued on the manufacturer?s website (see above). Have

    they announced Vista drivers for discontinued items? I use XP Pro but

    eventually my next computer will run Vista. If they are both discontinued and

    Vista is not supported this will shorten up the list of options.


    ColorEyes Display Pro

    Is there a reseller? - Or is it full price only?


    Also the drycreek review mentioned quirks with this software specifically:


    "ColorEyes can use the instrument to guide setting screen luminance levels,

    although this requires starting the calibration with a CRT monitor selected,

    even if you use a LCD. You need to abort the process and restart if you have a

    LCD after setting the display luminance. In a similar vein, there is no direct

    readout of the screen white point. You can calculate it from the displayed xyY

    values, but this is not useful for most folks."


    Is this dated information or is it still like that?

    Are there other quirks that buyers should be wary of?



    Spyder2 Pro

    There seems to be mixed feelings about this one. Most people recommend another

    one instead. Drycreek says it is bad at lighter colors, is that still current

    information? I was leaning toward this one, but if it isn't good at highlights

    that is a problem.



    This one has worse forum reviews than the Spyder2.


    None of the above seems like a slam dunk, or have I just read too much?


    My current setup is only OK. I have a HP computer with an older video card (2

    years old) and a new 22" widescreen that was on sale. The reviews of the 22"

    widescreens are not that good. I didn't do any homework before I bought it.

    It was a Boxing Day sale impulse buy.

    I also have a HP laptop that I want to calibrate too. Spyder2 pro and Eye-One

    Display2 both mention matching the calibration between different systems. Is

    this just marketing or does this work?


    These are worth reading if you are planning to get a LCD monitor:





    This page is in Dutch but if you enter the manufactures name in the box it will

    list off their LCD models and what type of LCD it is. The one to avoid is TN

    (Twisted Nematic). All of the Current 22? widescreens are TN types.




    Calibration links:




    And this useful little site:



    <http://www.shootsmarter.com/> has links to their recommended systems but I am

    not a member there so I can't see them. Someone mentioned they specialize is

    high end setups. I am new at this. I don't want to spend $1000+ on this.


    Thank you for any help you can provide.


    Jon Stock

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