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Image Comments posted by markcarp


    You did a nice job getting the flip lined up, but the nose and neck don't look quite right to me, especially the nose. The mouth looks really good.



    Thanks. I did what I mentioned above and also sharpened the whole image slightly, then added some more sharpening on just her eyes. I think most images benefit from at least a levels adjustment to get the black and white points set correctly.





    Sorry. Three things. The first thing I actually noticed was that the focus is a bit soft.


    I don't have much of a comment on the composition. Her arms look a bit tense, but nothing that bothers me. I think she's framed well.



    Hi Richard. She's a very beautiful model.

    The two things that jump out at me the most are the small light spot in her hair, which I would spot out, and the exposure. Using the levels or curves tool, I would bring the white point down more to brighten up the image. A small contrast boost would also give it a little more "pop". My guess is that you aren't going for anything flashy, but the light does look a bit flat here. Let me know if it's okay to post an edit.



    Thanks all.


    Leo, I did burn her face in a little to get it to stand out from the background. Thanks for pointing that out. I'll probably pay more attention to that the next time I work with this image. Her look of her seemingly disconnected concentration doesn't bother me so much, but that's probably because I know her.

    In the Kitchen


    I often find it hard to distance myself from a shot to give myself a

    good critique. I find myself liking this one and think it's a move in

    a different dirrection for me, but that's getting in the way of being

    objective. Any input would be appreciated. Thanks.

  1. Ah, I can see why the name doesn't work for you then, Thomas. That's farther than I had intended it. I like stories that have some element of danger to them, like the tales about little people of the woods. They aren't evil, but you aren't exactly safe around them, either. If she makes you think that she had just spied Puck at the edge of the trees, then I'd be happy.
  2. I'm glad you see that in there, Kelly; it was part of my intent. A dream of mine is to photograph like Neil Gaiman writes, if that makes any sense.


    Thanks for the comments, everyone. Yeah, her mouth is an area that bothers me, too. It would probably be a good idea to revisit that with the dodge tool.

    Angel's Wings #1


    Looking for comments on this image. It's one of my favorites out of

    what I've done so far, but I'm currious as to what others think. It's

    a bit more dynamic than what I usually capture.

  3. Thanks for the comments, everyone. I hate titling my images, but I needed to for a show I was doing, so I didn't spend a lot of time on them. I just ended up using the same names here rather than getting a number from the system. I'm not thrilled with it either, but I'm not sure what else to call it. The choice was influenced by having been there.
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