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Posts posted by lauren_joseph

  1. <p>Wow great comments and response, I guess the biggest red flag I have is that they never addressed these issues with me to correct. They went directly to another photographer to get their opinion and editing costs. Then they went to their credit card company and requested a charge back. I wish we could have had an opportunity to work it out with them before they took such extreme measures. I will consider all of these comments and greatly appreciate all of your input.</p>
  2. <p>Any wedding photogs out there that can give me an honest assessment would be greatly appreciated. I have a client that has requested a charge back on their credit card. I would like to have you read their paraphrased email and then look at the gallery of images and the get your response if possible. Please include how long you have been shooting and the number of weddings a year you shoot.<br /> <br /> Pictures are online here:<br /> http://bellaloren.zenfolio.com/p905039512<br /> <br /> Complaints by Client:<br /> 1. Although we paid for 5 hours and 2 photographers, we received only 406 images. We would like all the photos you took during the time for which we paid you. <br /> <br /> 2.There was a third photographer there without our approval. With a small wedding, this became very distracting, particularly at the reception. His presence should have added to the total number of photographs.<br /> <br /> 3.Of the photos that you did send, over 55 were of inanimate objects, rather than the wedding party and guests. <br /> <br /> 4. The light in our family photos inside the church is extremely bright due to the flash, and there is a glare on almost all of them rendering it difficult to appreciate the people in the photos without the distraction of the brightness. We had a professional photographer review these images, and he indicated that they are not of the general standard of a professional photographer. He stated that "the problems were many, but mostly they are too 'contrasty."(This is a somewhat valid point I should have toned the images down a bit but we would edit the images to their liking at no extra cost. I have the raw files and could fix these files in minutes. their photographer that reviewed these images stated that they would be able to edit 2 photos an hour at 175 an hour.)<br /> <br /> 5. We are requesting a refund for two-thirds of the contract price ($1501.50) so that we can have our family pictures digitally corrected as much as possible and so we can have another wedding portrait taken.<br>

    <br /> Here is my response to their demands.<br>

    I am sorry you are so upset, It seems as though we are not understanding what you are looking for or want.<br /> Please do not assume that we are unwilling or that we do not care. We care greatly about the work that we do and the people that we do the work for. I am more than willing to go the extra mile for you all. We did shoot a lot of photos but as is our working process we only want to supply our clients with the best images. The images that are online are excellent images, color corrected and ready to be printed, I am not sure what the problem is with these images but I would be happy to discuss any problems you may have so that we can edit the images to your liking. The other images we sent you are not color corrected because these images were not selected for your gallery. These are considered rejects . I am willing to work with you to give you what you are looking for. Please provide me a list of photos that you feel are unacceptable so that I can see what you are talking about. I would like an opportunity to understand what you are looking for so that we can provide you the best service and photos possible.<br>

    I know it is work but if you all could speak to each of these point or just give an over all assesment of the situation we would be deeply appreciative.<br /> <br /> Thank You</p>

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