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Posts posted by sam_erdman

  1. <p>I'd rent another camera for the trip (any of the camera's you mentioned would work - or another d70) then decide if you want to buy it or wait to buy the next model when you get back. Ask the store if they will take the rental cost off a purchase if you decide to purchase upon return.</p>
  2. I had a similar problem with mine, and remember some other people experiencing this problem. When I called Nikon about it, they had me send it in and they fixed it for free (I paid shipping to get it there). They said it was a problem with the internal electronics - give them a call, they were very helpful.


    Good Luck!

  3. Hey, I was thinking about starting a wedding photography business where I ran

    the business end: marketing, finances, etc. and subcontracted out the

    photography duties (most, if not all). I love taking pictures and love

    photography but don't know yet if I personally want to photograph weddings for

    reasons I wont go into here.

    Say I started the company and kept a select group of photographers on my list

    to whom I subcontract work. I would have access to their portfolio's and when

    the bride came to me, I would show them some of the portfolio and set them up

    with one of the photographers whose style they liked. I would then book them

    with that photographer and set-up a meeting with them and the photographer so

    they can discuss in more detail what their expectations are. Mainly, I would

    need photographers who wanted nothing to do with the business side of wedding

    photography but wanted to shoot the weddings (perhaps qualified college

    students, retired photographers looking for some extra income, or "stay at home

    moms" who wanted to generate some money at a time where dad would be home with

    the kids). Do you think this is a good path to keep pursuing? Should I stick to

    the "I run the business and I take the pictures" business or go and ask another

    one of my photo friends to simply go in as a partnership (rather than have

    multiple photographers)?


    Please let me know your thoughts,



  4. I would NOT recommend simply using an external HD. I bought a FireLite about 1.5 -2 years ago, at that point I stopped backing up to DVD. Well, last week my external HD failed and I lost all pictures of my wife during her pregnancy and the first 6months of my sons life. Needless to say we are very sad! I kept all our data on it so we lost all the pictures, financial information, etc. I wish I had backed that all up, at least monthly, to DVD or another source.


    Please learn from my mistake.

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