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Image Comments posted by mr.scott

  1. This photo captures one of those "WOW" moments! The contrast between the light of the sun and the dark clouds is incredible!


    As stated before, I think it is a little tightly cropped at the bottom. It would be nice to see a little bit of the earth that the bottom most trees stand on.


    It is a stunning image as it is! Just my opinion.



    I really like the composition. There is alot to look at, but the fence guides your eyes through the photo. I think the toning adds something to this photo!


    Thank you for sharing!

    Artist Point

    Thank you for your critiques! This place has a large amount of natural contrast. The earth is very light in color, and the trees are very dark. This is how it looks naturally.

    The Stairway


    This was taken in the pacific northwest, somewhere close to

    Seattle,WA. The fog was so thick that morning, it turned the sun into

    a little blur of light in this picture.


    All comments are appreciated! Thanks~ Stephen



    You asked if you should change anything in this picture, here is my opinion. The subject of the photo is the childs swing, obviously. But in the picture it feels like there are competing subjects, the swing and the abandoned house. I think this is due to the light in which you shot this in. The swing is kind of hidden in the shadows of the tree, and the sun is beating on the roof of the house, which draws attention from the swing, onto the house.


    I would do the following. Shoot this photo in a scenario where the majority of the light is on the swing and not on the house. Secondly, maybe shoot it at a wider aperture to blur the background (the house), just enough to take away some, but not all, detail.


    Good luck! Cant wait to see what you come up with!

    Artist Point


    Artist Point in Yellowstone National Park! It was a cloudy day, but

    the sun would break through once in awhile. I waited until the sun

    broke onto the falls! It was funny: at that moment about 15 other

    cameras lit up!


    Comments (good or bad) are appreciated!!!!!

    Blue Motion


    Very nice work! The colors are perfect! They are not saturated to the point of looking fake.

    I like the contrast between the movement of the clouds and the water to the solid, sharp lines of the rocks! Very well done!!!!

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