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Image Comments posted by maurocarli

    Mall, Santa Fe


    This interesting geometric setting is perfect for the dynamic presence of the passer-by, placed in the best possible spot within the composition, with his yellow shopping bag that goes together very well with the red line of the sidewalk. I like it a lot!

    In Park


    A warm, fascinating, dreamy atmosphere you have expressed with this beautiful photo. Composition, colours, lights and shadows: each of this aspect is crucial in this image. Regards!



    An excellent street shot, that captures the viewer's attention thanks - above all - to the couple walking in the foreground - IMHO a very interesting subject. A truly well done photo, with a beautiful toning. Regards!

  1. I guess these shots are not easy to take because of the great mess there must be when such events happen. In this image I think the lighting and the cloud of dust diffusing it are what makes it interesting, together with a well thought composition. The workman in orange in the background is a welcome bonus, since strong colours naturally attract the eye. All the best!



    I totally agree with Charles's comment. You might also try to gradually crop some background, either side or both (and top and bottom as well) - even making various attempts and each time seeing if it's better than before - in order to increase the importance of the subjects withing the composition. The trade-off of this operation would be the loss of some of the beautiful lighting and reachness of colours of the setting. All the best!



    Nice and captivating street capture! I would only increase contrast a bit, since I can't see a real black but only grey tones. I like the composition a lot, with the three workmen just in the right position in the opening of the gate, with a nice background. All the best! 

    In Antique Shop


    I'm so glad you found my remaks useful and were encouraged to try different options! I think the second version you have posted is a very good compromise: it gives more prominence to the owner and IMHO more balance to the whole image. I didn't like the leftmost rod in the original image, which was too close to the edge, making its being tilted more apparent. Instead, in the second version, I don't think the portions of the image we have lost are so crucial. Thank you for sharing, Michal!

    In Antique Shop


    I'm always fascinated by such places and I always thought them difficult to capture on camera, because of the great complexity and apparent confusion of so many items packed in a small room. Not to mention using b&w, which means opting out all the information given by the colour of each of the objects. And yet your photo IMHO overcomes all these obstacles and is very effective in representing the true spirit of the place. I have only two suggestions:

    1) It should be easy to correct the lens distorsion so as to make the vertical lines perfectly vertical - I'm referring to the columns, above all;

    2) I would try to give more importance to the shop owner within the composition, trying other angles and points of view: at fist glance, my eye took 2 or 3 seconds to notice her presence. 

    All the best!



    Stone gatte chapel


    The other commentators are right: this is IMHO a perfect photo, both in lighing and composition: every element is essential and nothing is missing. Some might prefer a little more sharpness of the woman's face, but I'm not sure if it would be better. Nicely done indeed, Vladimir!



    Bello scorcio, che vibra di una bella luce ed esalta l'aspro connubio fra rocce ed erba, in un insieme che mi è tanto caro perché tanto tipico delle mie terre carsiche. Gran bella immagine. Ciao alla prossima!

    Liquid Wall


    Amazing reflection! So often a photographer doesn't need much post-production work to create what he/she wants by altering reality: it's the real world itself that offers all the elements needed. It only takes some creativity and skill to interpret it and make the most of the wondeful beauty of reality. Well done, Seth! 

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