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douglas rosenberg

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Image Comments posted by douglas rosenberg

    Do you know...


    This is a magnificent portral of asking viewers to describe what they see. The lack of clarity is perfect as that is not what you were looking for I think. There are many stories here. Is this a father advising his stuborn daughter, a stranger invading the quiet time of a woman in deep thought. Her indifference to him is all telling no matter what the discussion. The list could go on forever. Hurrah for your insight in taking this shot. As you can tell I love it!




    The winding of the down hill slippery slope illustrates the danger of the passage on it. The color on the right vs less on the left lends to the contrast which I like.

    I especially like the Not Knowing what is around the corner.

    Very nice work.


  1. I know this picture is typical of old houses but I took the shot

    because of the tree's. Look at the lower left corner and see how the

    tree's have sprouted up at the base of the foundation many years ago.

    The crack in the foundation is undoubtly from the force of the tree's

    pushing against it. If you have any thoughts let me know. I'm always

    looking for constructive criticism.



    Nice soft gray shading. I like the dark contrast in the foreground leading into the haze of the distance. The small silhouetted figures give a nice perspective to the overall picture. Very nice.






    I like your work. I am a big fan of B&W. My portfolio wouldn't show that right now though. Your pictures are so crisp. The contrasts are very nice.

    If I may ask what equipment are you using.

    Keep up the good work and keep adding more B&W.







    Thanks for your input. I agree with your assement on the cropping after looking at it closer. I originally did it to give some perspective as to where I was standing in relation to the closeness of the shoreline. The weeds along the bottom and the leaf on the tree you can't see I thought did that.

    Thanks again for looking and critiqueing. I just keep on learning.






    The lighting on her face is soft and blends nicely with her hair. The contrast of the light around her waist blending into her top is a nice accent. The brighter light on her hair and arm making the individual strands of hair stand out is a nice effect. The shallow depth of field makes her stand out nicely. I can't find any thing to say other than your light techniques are very nice.



  2. I really like this shot. The subject matter of the wonderment of the child as he tries to figure out what it is and what to do for the first time. The contrasts, the just ever so slight out of focus of the boys face and in B&W make this a really nice photo. I think I would have cropped it down to just the boy and the camera being full frame. Very nice work!



  3. Hi,

    Thanks for taking a look. This was just a fun shot. My intent here was not to make a great photo out of this. I was just trying to show what people will do. I just happened on this when out for a ride one day and frankly couldn't believe that someone would make a mote and put a small boat let alone a pontoon boat in it and go in circles. The wide shot I thought though did give some effect as to the remoteness of the theme.

    I do appreicate your advice though and will keep it in mind for future shots.



  4. The wet cobblestone street first drew my attention. I love B&W and is a very nice shot with lots of contrast. The wide view at the bottom leading to the narrow departure of the street makes me want to walk past the bend and see what is out there. Very nice work.




    Thanks for pointing out the phone lines to me. I did see them but with the softening of the photo I didn't think it would take away too much. I really should have cropped them out. Thanks for your critique.






    Thanks for your input. I really wanted a strong message here pin pointing the bridge as the tracks are common and the bridge very old. We all see it in different ways and I appreciate your point of view.




    Hi Jason,

    I agree with you but when I took the shot I thought it looked good at the time with the long depth of field. When I got home I wanted concentrate on the bridge more and had to use software to do it. I appreciate your input and will remember that next time out.


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