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Posts posted by jose_aguiar

  1. Emotions are nice and we try to transmit them onto our work. Or not. But we were reading/talking on ideas, concepts, symblos. Let our emotions on the tea room, please.

    Reality, the special link to: We do register moments. But moments that have ligth. That is what we record: reflected light. And that reflection (no longer reality but a reflection) is chosen onto the hundreth of second on de angle corresponding to the lenses of our choice. So the way will always be a "brand-new way". Most ism schools are nice groupings so that one may study them confortably - or talk about them. But the fact is that each photographer, as such, is always choosing within is framework and paradigm and hopefully objective: the tools will change but, in the end, we are trying to transmite "our" reality, through image, to others. It is good if they perceive it as intended. It is great if perceived and felt. It is Art if surpasses the test of time and Culture. In the meanwhile it is nice if it sells.

    Thanks for reading this pompous rambling that hopes to help.

    Happy new year.

  2. OK "...as long as he has something to say."

    That is the defining line. No the tool or the technique or whatever. Allow me to tell a story, I have read long ago.

    On a photographic exhibition, a famous writer comes to visit.

    On congratulating the author at the end, the writer says ?Nice pictures. You must have a very good camera.? To which the photographer replied ?Not as good as the typewriter in which you write your books.?

    (Although I have shortened the story I suppose it illustrates my point).

  3. Have taken thousands of shots in two continents. Most pictures (pictorial) of the what around me, seldom of the whom. I have started with agfa - never liked Kodak color - and now photoshop. I think I have made two photographs. They hung proudly on a wall. Is it not that the aim: to make a photograph that for some unknown reason people will look at because they want? VGogh impressions are pictorial and lot of photshop went into them. I which I knew why peoples goes and sees his sunflowersd (for example).
  4. The institution where I work has a panoamic camera by Carl Zeiss Jena.

    It used Glass plattes 12x40cm and it is s/n 10965.

    It is equiped with a Apochromat-Tessar 1:9 f=64cm s/n 249992.

    Does anyone know when it was made? Please!

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