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Image Comments posted by norrispictures



    Absolutely love this photo - sharp tack focus, incredibly adorable expression and the mom in the background "helping" is priceless. :)




    Wow- that's amazing. Absolutely perfect in composition. Makes you realize how geometric even flowers are in their tiniest elements. Great detail and texture. Very nice.


    I do have to ask, though I'm sure you've been asked before - is the blur inherent within the photo or did you add it to the photo in post-processing?

  1. Beautiful color on this one - not quite gray, not quite brown - indescribable. Looks like a painting from a child's storybook - very imaginative, creative, fascinating and fairy-tale-ish. Impressive.


    So nice. I love the way you avoided the typical close-up flower photo with everything in sharp tack focus. By allowing the motion of the flowers, you really get a feel for the atmosphere - can almost smell the outside, feel the soft breeze. Great photo.
  2. Nice stop action shot. The stone wall and street make her look small - adds great atmosphere and perspective to the shot.


    I wish we could see her face better - it's so underexposed I can't tell what her expression is. Is she scared, playing, laughing, in a hurry?


    Otherwise, great compostion.

  3. Sorry to be negative again, but I have to mention some things.

    Your background is again very distracting - especially the little old ladies off to the right, but no matter what is in the background it ought to be blurred more - it's way too sharp - takes attention away from couple.

    The couple's pose is awkward - they look uncomfortable. It's nice to have a couple kissing for their engagments but some people just aren't comfortable doing that on camera - try to feel out your subjects and don't try to make poses happen that will end up looking bad.

    Also, this may be the most important problem, this is a very unflattering portrait of the couple. I doubt the woman will want this picture because she does not look good. Aside from the fact that this pose seems to accentuate her bigness, her hair and face don't look good either.

    Another suggestion - it looks like you took these pictures at a very bright, sunny time of the afternoon, which creates sharp, harsh shadows. You should avoid doing portrait session outside at this time of day.

    Three Trees


    Personal opinion is that the trees and snow are too blue.

    It's an interesting composotion and I like the color of the leaves and the sun reflecting on the water...

    But the trees don't look real.

    Little Red-Cap


    Great framing. I love the freckles! Nice sharp focus. Glad you left the skin as is - kids are so beautiful just by virtue of being kids.

    Nice, even lighting on her face - I like the way the hood/cap shields her face from the sun that you can see is beating down on the left side. Great exposure. Good work.

  4. Your background is extremely distracting, as is the fact that they are eating/drinking (??) something. Also I feel as though they are rather crowded into the bottom right corner of the frame - aren't they the main attraction? Looks almost as if you're trying to show off the store fronts and street and added them as an afterthought for a little human interest in your scene.

    One thing that will help with that problem is using a zoom lens - not only will you be able to crop out more distracting background, but you will be able to blur the background, should it be distracting. You should, however, next time, find a better background or at least a better angle.


    For sure find an angle where you can at least see the woman's face completely or see some kind of expression on her face. Even the man's face is a little shadowy. We don't have much idea what they look like from this picture, and most importantly, we can't tell how happy they are, which is essentially the point of engagement portraits.

    A more minor problem, but something worth mentioning - you have cut his feet out of the picture - it would not be such an issue in a closer crop, but since you can see his legs ALL the way down to his ankles and, especially, since you see her feet very prominently in the frame, it makes his cut-off feet all the more awkward.

    Hope you find this helpful and not discouraging.

    Good luck with your work!





    I like this very much. Have to admit I'm sucker for baby photos, but this photo is technically well-done as well as being super-cute. The soft even lightin on baby's soft skins looks good and the arm is a perfect frame/cradle for the baby. I love the B/W touch. and that the baby's grabbing his foot - the whole picture has a very tight, well-composed look to it.


    I can't it's super-original, but I love it.


    wow. different. I like it. Did your blur her right hand? I like that touch - although it does almost look deformed - maybe a little less blur. :)



    I wish I could see his hand - actually, both of them, but the right hand especially - even if we can't see what he's pointing at, I'd like to see his hand. The other hand isn't as important, but it would still be nice to see - maybe just because little kid hands are so cute. :) But I also think it would make the photo feel more complete.

    Also - his face looks a bit washed out - blends in with the light-colored background. Especially for a profile shot, his face should be well-defined, I think.

    I like the way he's looking up and that he's leaning on a tree - it's very classy, yet appropriately cute for kid picture. :)

    J 07

    awwww.... SO cute- I love the expression. That is so real - I've seen so many toddlers do that exact thing. Great exposure of her pale pink skin - easy to overexpose, but you did a nice job. I like it.


    Wow. I love that depth of field. Color is amazing, too. Such vibrant color is hard to get accurate - I know because I try it all the time. :) Congrats on a nice photo.
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