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Posts posted by chuck_foreman1

  1. Your handiwork shines here!!! A command decision to take the lens from the monitor. I admire your panache. I'm very impressed with your bellows work. I have been at this crossroads regarding bellows.. Never trusted myself to find , let alone replace the bellows. I once debated using a 105 in replacement of a 100 or was it a 101? I figured the coverage was likely about the the same. After setting (collimating?) the "infinity" would likely be OK. It looks very cool with that hardware from the 620 .

    BTW, I have seen the "Junior" sobriquet on many models, but is "Senior" a model designation, or are you clarifying the hierarchy for our sake? 


    • Like 1
  2. Welcome Melissa,


    There is a lot of info here on the different models. Enough, I think to assess your model.  Maybe the techno mumble-jumble is difficult to asses?  Anyway, the original poster here is a legend ..richard_oleson. He is very approachable and knowledgeable. Seems he himself was compiling info on these models.  They are not sooo rare, but many TLRs are desirable and at the end of the war, these were quite popular up until the late 50s. 
    I don't know that much, but the subtle differences regarding flash sync and parallax correction are not that big of a deal. If the  buyer has questions, you can plead ignorant. I recommend visiting Richard Oleson's site. He has an internet presence for info and selling focus screens for TLRs 🙂

    See the last two entries before the picture of the Graflex 22 (Ciroflex cousin)   http://rick_oleson.tripod.com/index-76.html

    Here's his compiled info on the Ciroflex as a PDF


    Hope that helps!!




  3. Weekend !! 

    No slaking here!! I will try to be reserved in posting. I have here three rolls. The Signet roll: something very bad happened to it. The whole roll is fogged. The film edges too. All the pics look badly over exposed.  I was interrupted while loading, then came back to it..only to be interrupted again with dinner. I do believe it sat in the tank with water for about an hour. I was  able to scan the negs...better than I expected. 
    I also am still celebrating my new Biotar ..and had an outing with it, the Helios, and the Jupiter 9. Very satisfying......until you look at the results  ... just kidding!  I must've fallen asleep while loading the cassette. There were in excess of 50 exposures...it exceeded the reel and about 6 or 7 exposures  were touching the side of the tank ... "you lose" 
    Conversely; a relatively short roll was shot with the RTS...mostly the roses in front of my house... The few pics I took the next day were mistakenly set on manual 1/500th a few stops off...oops
    I took the plunge and bought some different developers. At the moment; inspired from Down-Under I am using Acurol-N at the recommended times and inversions... paid more attention to that instruction this time around. 🙂



    Sporting the pre-war Tessar here, but my pics are mixed with different lenses ..will try to remember what was what!



    Jupiter 9  Medical Bldg


    Biogon  Garden behind Shopping Center


    Biotar  Rheinufer  from Bridge.. sent this view more than once already..sorry.. limited photographer 😞


    Helios  Schiffahrts Museum 



    Lovely camera to use... disappointed with myself in the handling.. .. May try some "Farmers Reducer" to see if this  can help some.


    Some correction is needed here..both in focus and perspective..maybe shake??


    Neighborhood Brewery and Restaurant.. ( Old Converted Train Station ) 


    I've poste4d this view before... The timbered wood etc ... is fake or decoration I should say


    Taken from same vantage as the previous shot ...looking to the right 



    A solid brute...but a good tool!


    The wall in front of my house is full of bloomin' Roses 


    Neighbors house.. liked the shadows


    A Rose is a Rose is a....


    The neighbor's (hard to see ) Red Roses 




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  4. I have also wondered this... ATM I do have a lot of "low hanging" fruit" that I really need to sell ..problem is : all the stuff I don't want, nobody else does either.  I seem to have more of a penchant to buy than sell.  That said; I imagine for a while I will keep "the collection"  mostly of Speed Graphic and Zeiss Ikon b/c I am attached to this stuff. .  I really should sell the Kievs and Yashica TLRs . a few broken Exactas and East German Contax SLRs (3).  On the fence about a lot of the consumer Voigtländer Zeiss Ikon etc .. just too many ..and they're all nice in their own way... there will be  some stuff that .. if I survive I might be forced to sell when I am delivered to hospice etc. (Did I mention all the musical instruments I have too?.. I digress ) My children have no interest and no grandchildren either.  As Sandy mentioned the color slides.. I have plenty, and the are well preserved...but I have planned for years to rent a scanner and scan the good stuff, so that when I pass the contents will be there, but enjoying the beauty of projection. will be lost to posterity. I suspect my negatives will all be tossed. I might approach some of the local historical societies, perhaps they might be interested in the negs... the digitized info can go on a drive...I suspect they will happily take that..and toss the negs!! 

    Anyway... I don't know.. but I am thinking a lot about this lately... not getting any younger!!


  5. On a recent cold, wet and miserable day I gathered up all the Braun Paxette cameras from various shelves and sat down to clean and exercise them. Most of them are still quite usable, and a few are in pristine condition. A very underrated line of cameras in my opinion, though the triplet lenses they came fitted with were not great performers. However, there was a range of excellent interchangeable lens options available if the enthusiasts wanted to pay a premium price. I might even try to take some photographs with one and post a couple of results.

    Ohh might you now? 🙂


  6. On 5/21/2024 at 1:42 PM, gary green said:

    I've lost my picture-taking mojo the last couple of months and am trying to revive it.  I recently restored a Kodak Junior Six-20 (Series II) folder with the ubiquitous anastigmat 100mm f6.3 triplet and took it out for a spin.

    The Junior Six-20 is a simple camera with an excellent lens.  It also has a relatively bright viewfinder and can be easily modified to accept a trimmed 120 spool on the supply side.

    Here's my best shot from the roll.  Arista.EDU 100 developed in HC-110 and cropped to 1:1.


    And a fine one indeed!!


  7. 21 hours ago, bruce_z._li2 said:

    Hi Chuck @chuck_foreman1 , you have certainly been busy plugging away. And the photos from the Biogon 35/2.8 look lovely. I have only used its poor cousin Jupiter-9 and was not totally impressed. But your Biogon was well worth your wait.

    Thank you Bruce.. I do feel vindicated for the long wait...  I have the Jupiter 12 and it delivers a nice punch too.. Try another..they are basically good!!  I do feel lucky in the bang for the buck... This lens is in excellent condition. And I didn't have to pay 400,00€ 

  8. Hey Folks...
    No slouching here.  I am still plugging away at the Kodak Tourist II. Not sure what's wrong. Exposures seem under - exposed or otherwise too dark.. no yellow filter here.
    And... now new to me! first shots with the the 35mm Biogon 35mm. I've desired this lens for an eternity, but never could afford it. I could've maybe got the pre-war version, but I do have the nice Jupiter 12, and it's coated. In July last year  I bought a Black-Dial IIa, with the 1.5 50mmm Sonnar. Included was a 35mm finder. Now "cart before horse" I needed to find the lens for the finder 🙂
    I found a sleeper(auction) in US, but I myself slept through it. Grrrr. So my self loathing gander was up! I saw one, here in BRD, opening for 250,00€. I was the only bidder. The seller accidentally sent me the Opton F2 Sonnar by mistake...and it was immaculate.  I sent it back...and now I have the compact heavy, short FL Opton Biogon. with case and cap
    I shot two rolls. The first one listed is with the yellow filter. 
    As a huge departure from my usual process.. I used Acurol-N @1:7 for 10min @20° .  I will need to adhere better to the "less agitation" . Maybe that is the problem with the 620 roll?!? 




    Many sources claim this "Anaston" is a triplet, others  state this was a Tessar..at least for this camera


    Too Dark! Note the leaks along the edge.. likely related to loose  rolling to 620?


    This is almost acceptable. The sky is bright..but here it looks overcast!


    Replete with double exposure ..2 for 8?!?   The ghost is me!! 


    I tried to fix this  but you can't fix real bad! 





    From the Bridge


    From the Bridge 2


    Usually seen from the oblique side ..why?? see all the Tram Cables  😞




    Entrance to ?? 



    Roses on the Garden Wall...more to come..RF works good!!


    This is called The Forum.. usually (art) exhibitions are here


    Leather Eveready case. Prominently obscuring the view to Rheinterrasse 


    The side view Rheinterrasse w/o the case 😉


    More Rose from my Garden wall

    I like the way the stone looks too!! 

    • Like 10
  9. 8 hours ago, rick_drawbridge said:

    Oddly enough, yesterday I repaired a Contax RTS that had been sitting forlornly  on a shelf for over a year, with shutter inoperative and film wind jammed. I'd had the bottom plate off when the fault occurred, but couldn't find anything obviously faulty. However, a few days ago I came across a post on another forum that suggested a possible solution. On removing the bottom plate again I found that a tiny lever that works in conjunction with the release magnet had failed to travel far enough to trip the shutter and return to it's default position, so the mirror was up but the shutter had failed to fire. A little delicate work with a tiny screwdriver coaxed the lever into its correct position and the shutter fired, returning the system to normal. I administered a drop of electronic cleaner/ lubricant to the various pivots, replaced the bottom plate and so far, so good. I might film test the camera this weekend.

    That's Rockin it  Rick!  Please do! This was bucket list camera.. that I now have two of... 

  10. 16 hours ago, bruce_z._li2 said:

    Hi Jason, the Ektar 44/3.5 on my Signet 35 performs really well and I have shared some photos a year ago. Sadly, I suffer from "too many cameras" syndrome and have not used the Signet 35 recently.

    Hi hear you Bruce_z.. "Sadly, I suffer from "too many cameras" syndrome and have not used the Signet 35 recently." I have taken this to heart!  I will shoot my Signet now !! 🙂


    • Like 2
  11. Lovin' me some Ektar.. Your Signet looks a lot better than mine...but no complaints..mine works quite Ok! I find these under 50mm but more than 28mm lens sizes are very much to my liking. The Ikonta 35s (Contina) are also in the 40s 42mm? I really like the Biogons/Fletogons and any 35mm lens.  Wide as 28mm ..then is wide! The 40s are Normal/Wide to me.

  12. I always thought that if I could afford a "Contax" SLR, the RX was the one for me. Never having the money.. I eventually settled for the basic RTS last year.  I am not aware of any "trick" to use these lenses as "MM" lenses. In fact, I am ignorant of the details of  what these modes actually do. Assuming more automation and better "program" modes. IIRC you can identify the MM lenses with a "green"??? F16. 
    I'm sorry I'm no help, maybe someone has more info to offer. 

  13. 14 hours ago, AJG said:

    Congratulations on fixing your Yashica--it certainly looks like you've gotten it back to original spec.

    Thanks AJG. I did crop these (just a bit) as there still is some fuzzy sides . Debating generously trimming the sides. I suppose I will now keep it.. and later I can decide to trim the flocking deeper into the camera. Indeed, these negatives are nice and contrasty with nice highlights and low tones are not too muddy as before. Oh, and if anybody is paying attention. The light meter started working again.  As usual , I am way too prolific in both my posting and commenting, Brevity is not my strong suit 🙂


  14. Greetings to all,


    Although I haven't posted in a while, I have been distracted with camera related stuff.  I shot yet another roll with the YashicaMat 124 and I may not now sell it. I really like the images I'm getting.. we'll see!?. I shot another roll after trimming the "Flock" but while it was better, it  was still showing a bit.
    I am really happy with the Kodak 35 RF, and I shot a complete roll...imagine without ripping the film. Seems Ok. I also wanted to use my Contax RTS. I acquired this exemplar late last year, and it is a bit more consistent. I had/have another one that is a bit intermittent unless you use a careful two-stroke advance and/or wait a long time between exposures. This was a joy to be able to just advance. 


    As pictured here the 35mm ML was used


    Traffic Light Control Center.. The Graffitti was contracted..... pretty cool!"


    A standard view for me... used to be the "way to work"  bicycle path.


    Cornielus Platz Fountain


    The rather posh Steigenberger Park Hotel


    This didn't really work ..Too dark for one... saw better in the viewfinder


    Good Condition for an "old" camera


    My hand is acting as a sun shield against flare... made its way into the exposure


    This is a a 50mm lens...seems quite wide to me 😉


    This way is blocked!! I liked the "Block" 


    This was the original Vodafone building in 1991... now it's  high brow apartments



    The end of the street .. my house on the far right 


    I like how this came off... Crossroads .. @Belsenplatz


    The venerable Yashicamat 124 just a little "flocked up" 


    Corner Gable of the Kunst Akademie


    This is making me want to keep this Yashinon 6x6



    • Like 7
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    • Yes! 1
  15. @JohnS  Thanks for that input. I don't remember when I removed it the first time, if that mark was there. It did hit the floor once. When I cleaned the crud (2nd time) I noticed this and photographed it thinking too "separation"  but later noting the appearance ..it dawned on me this could be a due to a drop.  Either way, If it is "separation"; it is at the edge and would likely only affect full aperture exposures. Right? 
    IIRC a few shots on the roll.. and this one of the Tulips are wide open 





    All of these IIRC were at full aperture. the middle one... maybe not 



    • Like 1
  16. On 4/29/2024 at 4:11 AM, bruce_z._li2 said:

    I think partly is due to faster speed film (ISO 200) and bright sunlight leads to smaller aperture, which provides more Depth of Field. 

    I did practice zone focusing quite a bit, since I have too many zone focus cameras. 🙂 I even lined up my living room with 5 gym mats, each 3 feet wide. So I can practice 3, 6, 9, 12, 15 feet. If something falls in between, I just move myself so I can get to those "magic numbers".

    Wow...a method to the madness.. I just quess..  and if I have another camera with me, I will use it to get a distance reading. I also hope for a bit of hyper focal forgiveness. 


  17. Hi Gary,


    Thanks for the link to your earlier post .. I'd forgotten how you resolved.

    "Flocking" problems like this are irritating 🙂 

    From Gary Green:

    My solution was to insert a baffle into the light chamber to attempt to prevent or minimize the light striking this flat portion of the light chamber perimeter at a shallow angle. My choice of baffle was a thin layer of black felt material (non shedding) that I adhered to the light chamber walls just to the inside edge of the flat perimeter close enough to cast a shadow on the flat perimeter but not close enough to the film plane to fuzz up the edges. So far so good; my early results have been promising. My first roll of film since installing the baffle had no frames with the “light leak” issue which is significant because I don’t believe any previous rolls shot through this camera didn’t have at least one frame affected. With this issue hopefully fixed, the honeymoon is back on.

    I apparently wasn'T as chic in keeping it out of the film plane. I will of course not have to test my latest attempt... but not close enough to the film plane to fuzz up the edges."

    Seems I "flocked" that up 🙂

    If I get back to my Argus 40, I will do this too. My attempt to replace the hinged back..was not very fruitful. Some "self inflicted" problems...you have to live with!
    Thanks for the reply!!




  18. We would need to see a picture of the interface (bottom of lens) to have a chance at realizing what "mount" or compatibility to products this has. While Samigon is a familiar name, the "after market" lens was hugeand it may well be that they (Samigon) as a lens manufacturer made lenses in many different mounts

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