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Posts posted by ellie1

  1. <p>I wiped out down a boat ramp this evening while trying to get a great shot. My cameras came down on top of me, fortunately. One of my lenses had a big chunk knocked out of the plastic so that the glass came off. Thankfully my bodies are okay.<br>

    When the glass comes off a lens, is that lens finished? Or are there people out there who can fix that sort of thing? What type of damage can be repaired?</p>


  2. I have really liked SmugMug so far. The only thing I don't like is that I cannot give customers a credit for their prints. I am unable to offer that type of package because the process of having customers do a separate order to a set amount doesn't appeal to me.


    Maybe someone else has found a way around that, though?

  3. David, you do it your way and I'll do it mine.


    I'm glad that photographers are not identical clones of one another. It would make pictures much more boring.




    Steve, I like your idea. I didn't think about the numbers coming first to help organize. I will try to do that. Does lightroom let you name that way? I'm off to check...


    William, I give the images to the clients to print from. I am trying to make it easier for them to print from the cd/dvd rather than store things for myself. Though I can see where that system would work well for someone shooting and storing a ton of weddings to go back to at a later date.


    Thanks everyone.

  4. I was put on bedrest at 33 weeks with my first after going into early labor. I was very, very thankful that I had stopped booking clients for 2 months before my due date. I literally could not stand in the kitchen and make myself a sandwich without contracting for hours afterward. The stress of not going to a wedding I had booked and wondering what my replacement was doing probably would have made things even worse.


    After the baby was born, it took me a full 8 weeks to get back close to my normal level of activity. If I had tried to shoot an 8 hour wedding at 6 weeks out, I'm not sure I would have made it through the day. My son was a c-section, though, so the recovery was worse than it would be for a natural birth. Not that you can predict whether you are going to need a c-section at the end of the pregnancy or not, though...


    That being said, know that you could be like some of the healthy ladies mentioned above and have no problems. (I was very active, no problems, healthy as a horse up until the early labor.) But, you could also be forced to take it easy for the health of your little one. Definitely have someone ready to take your place at a moment's notice if you decide to book close to your due date. I agree with Talitha that you should let clients in that last trimester know what is going on and give them a chance to find someone new if they want to.


    And... It is so, so much fun to add a baby to the family. I wish you the best!

  5. thanks for all the help guys! these are definitely northerners down in florida. a lot of my weddings are just that, so i get it all the time! usually the father of the bride is the worst, even if he is from florida himself.


    i just am not proficient enough in photoshop, and need to practice more. i like to do all my work in lightroom because it is so much quicker. there is not a way to mask stuff in lightroom that i don't know about, is there?

  6. what do you do make people's skin look normal in photos where they are a little bit toasty from the sun to begin

    with? especially if you want to keep all the background color?


    like here (not that the background is all that great, but if i did want to keep it what would i do?)


    <a href="http://s138.photobucket.com/albums/q278/skippee_413/?action=view&current=IMG_2371-1.jpg"

    target="_blank"><img src="http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q278/skippee_413/IMG_2371-1.jpg" border="0"



    i play with saturation and temperature to get what i can. i'm curious what techniques you guys have that work best?




  7. I've had a request for Save-the-Date Magnets from a customer. Does anyone have a magnet printer that

    they love? I see that there is a wide variety of prices when I google for companies that offer this service...

    Any suggestions?



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