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Image Comments posted by josefkissinger

    A Surprising Light

    I'd be impressed if the guy wasn't posed and the light wasn't fabricated in Photoshop. The composition is perfect, but it has no life. It's static and the man looks constipated. I just had my portfolio reviewed by Vincent Laforet. You know what he would say if he saw this image? "It's pretty, but its meaningless. Show me the man's story."
  1. It's images like these that give digital photography a bad name. For goodness sake, shoot at f/100 or buy a 5D. Don't substitute quality for convenience. If you cant afford a decent digital camera than shoot film. The noise is disgusting and your noise reduction effort--well, ill stop before i hurt someone's feelings. Despite the technical quality, which nobody seems to pay attention to these days, the content is good. It is always interesting to see how differing cultures live their daily lives. These two Indian woman about to fill up there water basins down by the river shows how, even though they are part of a totally different cultural context than I, the fact that everybody needs water shows how similar each of us are as humans, and that is what is relevant in todays conflict ridden world.
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