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Posts posted by rtwildlife

  1. Hi,

    I don't know the seconic, I use a Gossen, but, most metering do have a correction value option hidden somewhere.

    The trick is to find out, for example by making bracketing series differing by 1/2 or 1/3 or less stops, your value difference.

    Since you already know it, you can adjust in the correction menue.

    But... I know Gossen's metering devices have this function, I don't know if Seconic offers this also.

    If not, then I would suggest to send it back to the manufacturer, for recalibration.


  2. The trick is not that difficult. Use an incident light meter for the correct lighting values at the spot you want you subject product to stand. If you don't own such a device, use you're camera's metering system, but then you should point at a graycard, placed on your product's spot.

    This works both for Flash and for continuous light systems.

    After getting your product metering right, you should tune your whitebalance. This is very easy: just take a picture with the learned lighting values, of your graycard, placed on the spot where you want your products to be.

    Always should in RAW. After you've taken your pictures, correct the whitebalance in your photoshoplike program from your graycard photo.

    This is, in my opinion, an easy and effective method.


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