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Image Comments posted by living


    or meaningful really....I just got a little tired of looking at the same self portrait of me in my portfolio (the unedited one). And plus, this is edited with some knowledge I've gained since I've taken this, which was almost 6 months ago.
  1. that is now called inner struggle. I decided to change the

    composition of this image after a large discusion with my peers at

    PN. If you want to read more on why I changed it, you can read

    several different comments and mine as well. And just to let you

    know, I didn't change it because the majority of the people weren't

    in favor of the original edit of this image, I changed it mainly

    because I need to break the habbit of taking negatively spaced

    photo's. Just like Fred G. said, "Don't be afraid to be a little

    messy." :) Thank you.




    God has blessed me to recieve this much feedback. As I stated in the forum thread, I'm here to learn. Not just about photography or the philisophical aspect to it, but I need to learn more about myself. Ever since I've started regularly visiting this site, I have noticed substantial improvements in all areas of my life. My thoughts are deeper, more meaningful, and go further than just the concrete subject of whatever I'm thinking about. I'm starting to realize the true nature of the world and understand why people act the way they do. It feels like I've unlocked a door in my brain that leads to a room more vast than any desert on this earth which enables me to think in ways I've never thought before. I ask myself why it's happening and I come up with a number of reasons. Maybe it's photography. It could be enhancing my creative mind to a point where it's changing my entire way of thinking. Or it could be the grocery store I work at; I come into contact with thousands of people a week that it leaves me time to actually look at society and it's intentions as a whole, rather than selfishly worrying about myself. Lastly, it could be a maturity in my physical and spiritual body which renders a greater understanding of life. After drawing those conclusions I say to myself that "it could be a combination of all three." Whatever it is I can safely say that my thought process has changed immensly over these last 8 months and I can also safely say that I have SO much more to learn in the near future. I am hoping that college will highten my creativity and extend that vast room I've openned in my brain.


    Fred G. Thank you for your insightful comment(s) on my image. When you said "Don't be afraid to be a little messy," I realized that when I cropped out the "clutter" I cropped out the mood. The environment and the setting around a skateboarder plays a tremendous role in skateboarding. It's apart of our life just as much as the actual spot is (a "spot" would be the actual obstacle that is being skated). So I went back and did it over and out came a much better representation of what I was trying to capture. And yes, I did try to capture this moment, it wasn't accidental. Although this instance in time happened in about 2 seconds, all that went through my head was an impulse of a familiar emotion that runs through a skateboarders mind. I also misused the word "comtemplation", which is a long thoughtful reflection. The subject isn't thinking or reflecting at all. There is a war going on in his head and contemplation doesn't reflect this image at all.


    I thank you all for your time and thought on and about this image as well.



    If your going to leave a terrible rating, tell me why. And for those that are reading this, tell me what you think about it. I personally hate the rating system on this site and how it works.....if you rate it, you should be required to critique it as well. Have you ever gone to an art show and walked up to a persons work of art and simply said, "This sucks" and continue walking? NO!! Same deal with this site, and don't give me a lecture on why you think the rating system works using big words because I can play that game too.



    skateboarders point of veiw, they'd look at this and say "Why is he

    contemplating over such a small stair set?" Well first of all, there

    is a steep bank that you have to land into. Second of all, I wasn't

    trying to capture skateboarding......I was attempting to capture the

    thought process that runs through a skateboarders mind when doing a

    trick. And this is one of them. Contemplation. The mental and

    physical sides of your body start battling for an answer as to

    whether or not what you're trying is a logical thing to do. Right

    now, the physical side of his body has brought him back, his mental

    side is ACHING for acomplishment and that is why he is facing the

    stair set.



    That's why I liked taking pictures here. It was fun. Feel free to

    tell me what you like or what you think this image needs or doesn't

    need. Thank you.


  2. The awareness and interest the world has taken to skateboarding is OUTSTANDING!!! All ages love to watch it and at the same time love to participate in it. We've got 12 year old pros (Nyjah Houston) and 40 year old pros (The Gonz). All amazing people and use skateboarding as an outlet for expression! And who knows about these kids? This scene in their life could be just enough for them to start. I guarentee at least one of the kids in the group of about 15 will start skateboarding because of this event in they're life. Because that's all I needed, I saw a couple of kids skateboarding in my neighborhood when I was 7 and ever since then, I've had an imenent interest in it. A love.

    What do you see?


    learning more about portraiture before I go and attempt travel and

    documentary (humans being my primary source of subject). I think

    portraiture gives you confidence for accomplishing the task, and also

    insight on how to capture the right emotion.

    If you could tell me what you see in this man's face and it

    matches up with what I tried to capture, then I was successful.

  3. But Anthony (the skateboarder) isn't the only point to this

    photograph. I have a bystander (there were a few others) to show the

    interest skateboarding has taken in the past few years. I've also

    included a filmer to show how influential the industry has on kids.

    It's rather sad actually. The proffesionals of today throw their

    carcusses not to have fun....no no no no......they do that to stay

    alive. I've talke to many proffesionals and even spent the night

    with some. They tell me that when they're done logging their footage

    to their done filming....they usually go skate a four stair or a

    small ledge to, like I said before, have fun. So this photograph

    communicates a lot to the audience but you'd have to know a bit about

    skateboarding to understand it. Any questions on this photo just ask.

    Go gator!

    if you cropped the bottom out I think it would be missing the point of the title of the shot. The title is "Go Gator!" and the empty space at the bottom shows theres space left to advance forward. We as an audience don't know whether or not the gator is moving or standing still but the empty space at the bottom provides that assumption and lets our minds think that. The only thing I would have to say is that you may have to tilt it a little to the left to make it completely horizontal. It seems a little crooked to me but other than that this is a great looking photo!

    Kickflip n' Bomb

    used the filter under "Render" called "Lighting effects" first to get that sort of glow (but was already kind of there in the first place) then I burned the edges. And vuala, burnt edges.



    Skate photo. Well that's because I don't like shooting that type of

    photogoraphy. I try to keep it a little artistic and hopefully I

    achieved it on this one.

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