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Image Comments posted by kurtismatthias

  1. Really couldm't tell if this was photoshoped or not at first. I had to zoom in and take a closer look. I've decided that either way Ilove this picture. The background looks completely surrealistic and Like it's abit farther off than it should be. Maybe a little too distant for the old man to grab hold of. who knows.


    Love this shot. It's completely curreal. Riding on the back of the hawk. I like how the view is sort of distorted. As if it's being seen through birds eyes view. Amazing. It makes me dream of blue skies and the limiyless feeling that birds must take for granted while zooming about through the air.
  2. I absolutely adore this photo. It's like macro but...it seems like a bit of gigantism instead. I love the seeming curiosity of the little catterpillar. Vibrant colors. Great contrast...I have nothing negative to say about this at all. Keep up the good work.

    Dogwood 2007 C

    Definitely. The white on white just wouldn't be quite right if there weren't some kind of discoloration to balance the image out I think. Either way; a very lovely shot. I look forward to taking shots as pristine as this one when I become a bit more familiar with my unbought Rebel XTi
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