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Image Comments posted by jlphotos

  1. Disregard the dust, and don't look at the larger image. The apparent

    low quality and dust are only effects of the scanner. There is

    considerably more shadow detail on the actual print, but my scanner

    can't capture all of it. Thanks for any comments!


    Thank all of you for your comments! I submitted two pictures of roots today, with different expectations for both. Of the two that I submitted, I (personally) found this one to be less interesting than my other photograph, yet on PN I obtained completely different results. One more example of the subjective nature of art =)

    Phelps Park

    I love the many tones and textures present in this image, but the blurry leaves in the immediate foreground draw my eye. If possible, I would recommend nudging that branch/twig out of the way and retaking this one. It's definitely a worthy subject for retaking!

    magnolia tree

    Welcome! I love this composition; you really picked a fantastic subject for black and white! If you plan to become serious with black and white photography, consider investing in a yellow (or red) filter. These filters will darken the sky, which can often prove quite valuable in adding character to an otherwise featureless sky.

    Inky Roots


    I generally strive to bring detail to every part of my images, yet

    this one was an exception. When I first contact printed this one I

    had a different visualization for it. Once again, there is more

    highlight and shadow detail on the original print, but this gives the

    general idea.

    New York Musician


    I made some minor adjustments to this one compared with the last one

    (please visit my portfolio to see the previous version). I lowered

    the contrast to give more detail to the musician's jacket, and it

    worked! In the original print there is even more detail, but my

    scanner can only record so much.



    I like this shot! You have a good textured sky, and many nice tones present.

    I am going to go out on a limb and guess that this was printed in a darkroom, because I see a dodging "halo" around the tower. I could be wrong, but that is what it seems like to me [please let me know if I'm right about that :)].

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