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Posts posted by felicisimo_silabay

  1. I am also a beginner and I bought a Canon EOS Rebel T2 on eBay some five months ago. I think it is all what you need for a camera. You can do point and shoot while at the same time you can set it to manual to set the settings yourself. The focusing can be set to automatic or manual.
  2. In order to consider whether photography is an art or not, first we have to define what really art is.


    Wikipedia has this to say about it, "Art is a (product of) human activity, made with the intention of stimulating the human senses as well as the human mind; thus art is an action, an object, or a collection of actions and objects created with the intention of transmitting emotions and/or ideas. Beyond this description, there is no general agreed-upon definition of art, since defining the boundaries of "art" is subjective, but the impetus for art is often called human creativity."


    And additionally, Encyclopedia Britannica define the arts as "modes of expression that use skill or imagination in the creation of aesthetic objects, environments, or experiences that can be shared with others."


    Based on these definitions, there's no doubt in my mind that photography is definitely an art. Nothing more, nothing less.

  3. Taken from the perspective of a newbie who still has got a lot to learn about photography, I would say digital should be the preferred choice because the learning process will be very much faster than with film. True, it costs more than the latter in the beginning but this can be offset by the processing fees as you go along taking more photos. Some veteran photographers would tell you to use film if you are really serious, otherwise they would say just settle for point & shoot or compact. Since my budget is only good for a used film, I decided to go for it rather than wait for the price of digital to drop which is very unlikely in the next few years to caome.
  4. As far as I know, for a newbie like me, the learning process in film photography is very slow as compared to digital. In digital, you can take your shots in wild abandon and see the results right away. The reason I opted for film is because it's what I can afford, but I don't regret my decision because I still have fun taking up photos.
  5. There is the latest release from Fuji which is the FinePix S5 Pro. The camera as I come to know from reviews and user testimonies is great for portrait and indoor shots which make it ideal for wedding photography. It is said to be superior to any brands on the market in this area.
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