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Image Comments posted by ryanpy





    I recieved your critique on my "Fine Dining" cow shot and I was then lead to yoru portfolio! First of all, thank you for my critique. It always help to hear what others see in your photos!


    Secondly, this photo you have taken hear is awesome! I love the movemnet you have picked up! It makes you feel like you are watching it really happen. Great Work! What lense did you use for this?


    I think this is a very interesting shot. However, in my opinion I think the round bale of hay should be lowered a touch (down to the upper 1/3 cross horizontal cross line). This could be accomplished by sacrificing some of the flowers in the bottom of the photo.(if you cropped the photo and room to play) Try this and see if it improves the photo. Good shot overall.
  1. Awesome clearity! Love the reflections. The actual positioning of the duck bothers me just a touch, maybe if it was a little more off-centered towards the right. However, you would then loose the pattern the duck is leaving in the water, so it's a hard call. I do love the shot! Great work!
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