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Posts posted by noalbany

  1. Hi,


    Looking at lenses for my Panasonic L1 (four thirds system) and focusing on the Oly 150 2.0.

    Anyone out there have one and can share info, images (would really like these)? All I have now is

    my camera's kit lens, which is fantastic, and I'm a bit torn between getting a zoom lens, sacrificing

    some quality, or getting the fixed 150mm and the sharpness that offers (but having only that

    dimension as a second lens). Input is appreciated. Thanks.

  2. Hi,


    I don't actually shoot with a Canon (I use the Panasonic L1) but do know that most people seem to,



    I'm looking for advice on what neutral density filter to get: 0.3, 0.6, or 0.9. I'm interested, for the

    most part, in shooting long daytime exposures in the city (NYC), and obviously have run into

    problems of too much light. I don't want to go crazy buying a bunch of expensive filters. I want to

    buy one neutral density filter right now (Heliopan maybe) and using that for as many situations as I



    Also, can anyone tell what other situations these filters can be useful for?


    Thanks much for any help you can offer.



  3. Hi,


    I ended up getting the DMW-RS1 release cable used for the FZ-20/30, and it works fine,

    except now I know it's unlike the cable made for the L1 because there is no shutter switch

    lock on my cable. I was hoping to be able to lock and hold the shutter open at will for very

    long exposures. Is it possible with the L1 to do this?

  4. hi all,


    just heard that panasonic/leica is upposed to come out with a 14-150mm lens next month. i'm not

    holdimg my breath..... can anyone one suggest a very good compatible olympus 4/3rds, or a nikon with

    adaptor. i need to get a zoom but can't afford to spend thousands. any help appreciated. thanks.

  5. hi all,


    i use the pana-leica L-1, adobe lightroom, and a recently purchased epson p-2000. i just used the

    p-2000 for the first time on a month-long trip to europe and now trying to get the files (RAW & JPEG

    header files) into my MacBookPro/Adobe Lightroom. i have not downloaded any epson software (i was told

    by a few people that i wouldn't need it with my Mac) and dragging folders from the epson to the

    lightroom. all that said, many of the RAW files are showing up blank in Lightroom. i have no reason to

    believe that so many files (dozens) could be corrupted. can anyone offer any suggestions or help here?

    epson support is completely useless.

  6. when you set up the p-2000 to produce minimum size-max comp. jpeg files, you can then

    pour them into your computer back at full size RAW? is that right? pardon my ignorance but i

    know nothing about this stuff. but what you're saying is that you can load tons more into the

    p-2000 and still get full size raw files when you get home?



  7. I bought mine two weeks ago and absolutely love it. Still breaking it in and getting great

    shots. I have not found the viewfinder (which seems to be a common complaint) to be any

    trouble at all. The only drag of buying the camera was the retailer I bought it from: Abe's Of

    Maine. They are a nightmare.

  8. what i mean is: it's panasonic and leica's first attempt at a dslr, isn't it? weren't the l1 and l2

    point and shoots? i've been very excited about getting into a completely manual camera

    made by panasonic. i have the fz-30 and have come to believe it's probably the best camera

    available in that price range, and perhaps higher. the leica lenses are incredible. having

    started to use the fz-30 in full manual mode, and raw, i'm getting shots now that i find quite

    often need no, or little, tweaking in my program. believe me, i want the L1 to be great.

    $1,600. hundred bucks to find out different maybe....? i dunno about that. i was under the

    impression that many people have bought these models and would've commented on the

    actual brass tacks of its operation.

  9. i'm very tempted to get one. the D3 is just way too much $. but i also hav eot say i haven't

    read one completely good review. having the fz-30 for the past year or so i'm sold on the

    panasonic/leica tandem, and want very much to egt the same maker's dslr, but i do feel that

    the L1/D3 might really be market-entry models and worry a bit about unloading that much

    dough for something that may be much better next year. i know, the stuff is always getting

    better, new models etc. but market-entry is something to watch out for, i'm afraid. i was

    really hoping to get some user comparisons or even some solid user experiences here but it

    doesn't seem many people own these cameras.

  10. yeah, just ask people for their thoughts of Rollei vs. Hasselblad and sit back and watch. i

    never noticed so many people were hitting my page - i'll have to put up proper photos, not

    just as an afterthought.


  11. New to Leica, paining over what film camera to get, and wondering what is a great Leica to start on under

    a thousand bucks, with lens. IIIa? IIIb? IIIc? And please suggest dealers, if you can. I want to avoid ebay.


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