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Posts posted by orlaorange

  1. So if his camera sizes are 8x12 and mine are 8x10, will this make a huge differnce when the bride and groom are putting their album together. Does one of us have to sacrifice quality of the photo so we both have the same sizes for the album? thanks for your quick response.
  2. had my first wedding a few weeks ago, went great considering weather was so

    crap. my question is this is there a difference in album or photo sizes

    between europe and america. there was another man there who was friend of

    bride and gromm taking photos.he's from new york and now emailing me about

    what size i'm formatting the photos for printing. i know i should know this

    but i'm alittle confused. so can someone please explain whats the difference

    and is it your camera that decides or your computer? thanks in advance. orla

  3. I have second camera same as my own. I have no experiance what so ever but the bride and groom know this. The wedding is at 4.30 and then the shoots in the garden are at 6. I'm taking along an assistant. He's also a student in photography.
  4. Hi everyone, got my first wedding next saturday and I'm very nervous. not

    something I want to get into but the experiance is invaluble. my equipment is

    canon 350D with Sigma Ef 500 super flash gun. I have a zoom 70-300mm, 28-70mm

    plus a macro lens 105mm. won't be using it that much. Wedding cermony is in a

    marque at the brides house and photo shoot at a local public gardens. I have

    been organising for awhile now and still I feel unprepared. I'm still doing a

    course and not charging much. They want me to do the group shots quickly and

    not to be in peoples faces with the camera. has anyone got any good ideas for

    the poses? what way to put the hands when taking phots of the rings. also she

    wants sliming photos. the groom and his men are wearing kilts. I'm not sure

    what question I'm meant to be asking, just any advice would be great. Is my

    equipment enough? anywho thanks in advance. orla

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