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Posts posted by brucejackson

  1. Hi Chris,


    Great to hear that you are so into photography at such a young age. If you are

    wanting to photograph landscapes primarily, I feel the Pentax 6x7 is the camera

    to get. Most professionals I know that focus on landscape and use medium

    format, use this system. I have used it as a compliment to my 4x5 Tachihara for

    years. The camera is bullet proof and very dependable. The lenses are

    absolutely top notch in terms of sharpness, contrast, etc. And now that most

    people are shooting digital, you can pick up this equipment for very reasonable

    prices on ebay, etc. I found a website that rates the Pentax 6x7 lenses.



    Sample landscape images at: www.brucejackson.com

    Most of these are 4x5, but a few 6x7's as well.


    Best of luck!


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