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Posts posted by stormchaser

  1. For children and family? Are we talking professional/hobbyist, or just-wants-photo-memories?

    If the former, a good cheap DSLR should be good - maybe an Olympus.

    If the latter, any medium-end point-and-shoot should work. Check out the Powershot series.

  2. Meh. The forums still rock, the alterations and nudes are stupidly popular but it doesn't affect us, and many people rate but not critique, and that's to be expected on any photo site. I've only been on this site for a few months, but I love it. The community is great, and my photos get seen. What's wrong?
  3. Viewfinders let you see the scene the scene more realistically, while most LCD screens are crap. However, I find them easier to use, and sometimes they can lay the "rule of thirds" chart over your image to help with composition. I'd want a camera with a viewfinder, but they're not necessary.
  4. Back to the sun? Never. That's called backlighting and it makes for huge detail loss.

    Flash? No need. Even on overcast days, there's always enough natural light.

    Polarizer? It darkens the skies, which looks nice, and it reduces reflections. Go for it.

  5. Washed out? The simplest solution is underexposure, but that may not help. A polarizer will darken the sky, but will also reduce the amount of light reaching the sensor - which may actually be good, if too much light is making your pictures look washed out. You could also try a lens hood. If all else fails, adjust the levels with a photo-editing program. It works wonders for my washed-out photos.
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